来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yht52119
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Objective: To investigate the relationship between telomere length and radiosensitivity in various human cancer cell lines with the expectation to find a valid and common predictor of radiosensitivity for different cancers. Methods: Eight human cancer cell lines were used, including five human breast cancer cell lines (ZR-75-30, MCF-7, MDA-MB-435S, T-47-D, F539-1590), two human larynx squamous carcinoma cell lines (Hep-2 and Hep-2R) and a human malignant glioma cell line (U251). Among them, the radioresistant cell line Hep-2R was isolated and established from a radiosensitive human larynx squamous carcinoma cell line Hep-2 by our center. The radiobiological characteristics of the eight lines were analyzed by the method of colony-forming assay and the radiosensitivity parameters were calculated. Telomere length was analyzed by TRF (mean Telomere Restriction Fragments) length assay. Results: The radioresistance of Hep-2R cell line proved to be stable in long-term passaged cultures as well as in frozen samples. Radiosensitivity parameters are different among those lines. The SF2 values of Hep-2 and U251 are 0.4148 and 0.7520, respectively; The SF2 values of breast cancer cell lines are between those of Hep-2 and U251. The TRF of Hep-2R is 11.12Kb, longer than three times that of its parental counterpart. There is a positive correlation both between SF2 and TRF (r=0.786, P<0.05), and between D0 and TRF (r=0.905, P<0.01). Conclusion: It is concluded that radiosensitivity and telomere length (TRF) are negatively correlated, TRF could be a valid predictor for radiosensitivity. Objective: To investigate the relationship between telomere length and radiosensitivity in various human cancer cell lines with the expectation to find a valid and common predictor of radiosensitivity for different cancers. Methods: Eight human cancer cell lines were used, including five human breast cancer cell lines (ZR-75-30, MCF-7, MDA-MB-435S, T-47-D, F539-1590), two human larynx squamous carcinoma cell lines The radiobiological characteristics of the eight lines were analyzed by the method of colony-line (U251). Among them, the radioresistant cell line Hep-2R was isolated and established from a radiosensitive human larynx squamous carcinoma cell line Hep-2 by our center. forming assay and the radiosensitivity parameters were calculated. Telomere length was analyzed by TRF (mean Telomere Restriction Fragments) length assay. Results: The radioresistance of Hep-2R cell line proved to be stable in long-term passaged cultures as wel The SF2 values ​​of Hep-2 and U251 are 0.4148 and 0.7520, respectively; The SF2 values ​​of breast cancer cell lines are among those of Hep-2 and U251. The TRF of Hep-2R is 11.12Kb, longer than three times that of its parental counterpart. There is a positive correlation between SF2 and TRF (r = 0.786, P <0.05), and between D0 and TRF 0.01). Conclusion: It is said that that radiosensitivity and telomere length (TRF) are negatively correlated, TRF could be a valid predictor for radiosensitivity.
目的建立棉花花总黄酮片中总黄酮、金丝桃苷、异槲皮素的测定方法。方法利用紫外分光光度计,以芦丁为对照品测定总黄酮,HPLC同时测定黄酮类化合物金丝桃苷和异槲皮素。结果 3
2013年3月21日周口市太极拳协会正式注册成立大会在河南省周口市川汇大酒店隆重召开。会上选出了以会长张建国、常务副会长杨子英等336名委员组成的第一届协会理事会。  周口市太极拳协会成立于1999年6月10日,是市体育局下属的群众性体育组织。根据周口市体育T作的实际情况,按照《社会团体登记管理条例》的规定,自今年元旦起,向民政局申请注册成立本协会,并得到了民政局的正式批复。  周口市太极拳协会由
2007年5月1日至7日,为期一周的“武汉国际音乐节.2007钢琴”在武汉音乐学院举行。本次音乐节所邀请的钢琴艺术大师有阿尔努夫.冯.阿尔宁教授(ARNULF VON ARNI M),提尔.恩格尔