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早在1997年,女作家J.K.罗琳的原著小说就在英 国掀起销售狂潮.《哈利·波特》繁体中文版前3集的 销量合计超过200万册,2001年底出版的第4集也高达 60万册。 《哈利·波特》繁体中文出版商台湾皇冠集团 到底采用了何种策略使得这套童话书籍卖到如此火爆 呢? 我们看到,在台湾皇冠集团推广《哈利·波特》 的整个行铺中,有许多形形色色的活动,但有一点是贯 As early as 1997, the original novel by a woman writer JK Rowling set off a frenzy of selling in the UK Sales volume of the first three episodes of the traditional Chinese version of Harry Potter totaled more than 2 million. In the fourth episode, published in late 2001, 600,000 copies. What kind of strategy did the Taiwanese Crown Group, the traditional Chinese publisher of “Harry Potter,” make such a fairy tale book so popular? We can see that there are many different activities in Taiwan’s Crown Group promotion of “Harry Potter” but one thing
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一、 进出口贸易运行总体形势良好    2007年上半年我国对外贸易形势总体表现良好,据海关统计,前5个月进出口总额达到8013.40亿美元,比上年同期增长23.7%;其中出口额4435.33亿美元,进口3578.07美元,同比分别增长27.8%和19.1%;贸易顺差857.26亿美元。前5个月一般贸易增长速度明显快于加工贸易,一般贸易同比增长29.1%,而加工贸易增长只达18.0%。其中,一般贸
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