
来源 :马克思主义与现实 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liujm1006
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马克思主义于20世纪初传入我国,对我国政治经济社会产生了巨大影响,当前学界较少关注马克思主义经典著作的民族语文版的翻译、出版和传播,以及在我国少数民族地区发挥的重要作用和影响。党和政府高度重视马克思主义经典著作的民族语文翻译出版工作,成立民族出版社、中央马列著作毛泽东著作民族语文翻译局(现更名为中国民族语文翻译局),专门从事马列经典著作的民族语文翻译和出版。中国民族语文翻译局成立60年来,在党和国家有关部门的正确领导下,精心组织全国各地精通少数民族语文翻译和熟悉马克思主义理论的优秀民族语文翻译专家,主要使用蒙古、藏、维吾尔、哈萨克、朝鲜、彝、壮等7种民族文字完成了《马克思恩格斯选集》、《资本论》等大量经典著作的翻译工作。本文通过回顾和梳理马克思主义经典著作《资本论》的民族语文翻译出版情况,总结马克思主义经典著作在我国少数民族地区的传播经验,对推进《马克思恩格斯文集》10卷本的民族语文翻译校订工作具有指导意义。 The introduction of Marxism into our country in the early 20th century has had a huge impact on our country’s politics, economy and society. At present, scholars pay little attention to the translation, publication and dissemination of national language versions of the classic Marxist writings and the important role played by them in ethnic minority areas of our country And influence. The party and the government attach great importance to the national language translation and publication of the classic Marxist writings, and set up the National Publishing House. The works of Central Marx and Lenin in the Works of Mao Zedong, the National Language Translation Bureau (now renamed the Chinese National Language Translation Bureau), specialize in the national language translation of the classics in Marxism- And published. Under the correct leadership of the relevant departments of the Party and the state, China Nationalities Language Translation Bureau has carefully organized excellent national language translation experts who are proficient in minority language translation and familiar with Marxism theory throughout the country. They mainly use Mongolia, Tibet, Uyghur, Kazak , North Korea, Yi, Zhuang and other seven national languages ​​completed a large number of classic works such as “Selected Works of Marx and Engels”, “Capital” and other translation work. By reviewing and sorting out the national language translation and publication of the Marxist classic Capital, summarizing the experience of the spread of classical Marxist writings in the ethnic minority areas of our country, it is of great significance to promote the revision of the national language translation of the 10 volumes of the Collected Works of Marx and Engels It is instructive.
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