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食用菌体形虽小,但却千姿百态,色采绚丽。室内拍摄它的影象,除了掌握一般的摄影方法外,尚须具备必要的技术条件,如摄影器材的配备,灯光设置,角度的选择,影调的对比,以及识别主题的特征。为了求得理想的效果,现就室内灯光摄影技术作如下介绍。 (一)主题选择:摄影是一种现实形态重现的手段,主题是重现的对象,在拍摄之前,不论是实生状态还是采下的个体,应首先观察它是否有代表性。 Edible fungus body shape is small, but different, color gorgeous. The indoor shooting of its images, in addition to master the general photography methods, must have the necessary technical conditions, such as the provision of photographic equipment, lighting settings, the choice of angles, tone contrast, and identify the characteristics of the theme. In order to obtain the desired effect, the indoor lighting technology is as follows. (A) the theme of choice: photography is a means of reproduce the reality of the form, the subject is the object of reproduction, before the shooting, whether it is real or mining individuals, we should first observe whether it is representative.
德意志联邦共和国的恩格尔(G.Engel)报道:桔苹、Red Berlepsch和Red Boskoop等苹果品种,用M9和M26作砧木,芽接高度从15厘米增加到35厘米,树体的生长(干径和树冠体积)被削弱,