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后进支部转化工作是当前农村基层组织建设工作的重中之重。如何运用哲学观点指导开展工作,确保后进支部如期按质实现转化,笔者认为:一、坚持一分为二的观点,剖析后进支部班子,防止极端化一分为二观点是基本的哲学观点,是方法论的基础。如何正确看待后进支部班子呢?首先要准确定位。所谓后进班子就是不能正确地理解、执行党的路线、方针和政策,班子自身建设差,涣散软弱,不能带领群众脱贫致富。但农村的情况比较复杂,对有问题的领导班子,必须作具体分析,解剖,定位时应注意把握好三个问题:一是偶然性和必然性的问题。一个支部出了问题,甚至是出了严重问题,我们要对这个问题进行历史的全面的分析,弄清原因,不 The transformation of the backward branch is the most important task in the current rural grassroots organizations. How to use the philosophical point of view to guide the work and ensure that the post-graduation branch can be transformed on schedule according to the quality, the author thinks: First, insisting on the idea of ​​dividing into two, analyzing the branch organization and preventing the radicalization from dividing into two is the basic philosophical view. Basis of methodology. How to correctly treat the backward branch team? First, we must accurately locate. The so-called progressive team can not correctly understand and implement the party’s line, principles and policies. The team itself is poorly developed and weak and can not lead the people out of poverty and prosperity. However, the situation in rural areas is rather complicated. For the leading cadres who have problems, we must make a concrete analysis, and we should pay attention to three problems when dissecting and positioning: First, the problem of contingency and inevitability. A branch has a problem, even a serious one. We must conduct a comprehensive historical analysis of the issue and find out why.
小学英语课本内的“on the farm”与“at the farm”两个词组都与farm(农场)有关,意思较为相近,关键看与farm相关的人所从事的工作。如果他(们)在农场直接从事农业劳动,一般
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本刊讯 2005年9月29日,全俄游泳协会就游泳竞赛规则修改问题致函各地泳协领导,并对有关问题进行解释。该函内容如下: On September 29, 2005, All-Russia Swimming Associat
由北京市财政局批准的注册会计师组成的北京会计师事务所正式开业。该所分设总务、国际业务和国内业务三个部,业务范围主要是:接受中、外企业等 Beijing Certified Public
编辑同志: 我在基层检查工作时,发现会计人员为了减少书写量,随意缩写会计科目的情况比较普遍。例如:将『国库拨补亏损』写成『拨补』;将『在途商品』写成『在 Editor’s c