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1.西汉末年,王莽篡位,改国号为“新”。新王朝倒行逆施,残酷剥削百姓,弄得民不聊生,天下大乱。不久,便爆发了全国性的农民起义。2.公元22年,西汉皇族、南阳地区的地主刘秀兄弟,也起兵与农民起义军配合,共同反对王莽政权。刘秀在作战时常常身先士卒,冲锋陷阵,昆阳(今河南叶县)一战消灭敌军40万,创造了我国历史上一个以少胜多的著名战例。3.刘秀以恢复汉家制度为号召,取得河北等地官僚、地主的支持,经过数年征战,终于平定天下,中兴汉室,建都洛阳。因洛阳在西汉都城长安的东面,史称东汉,称刘秀为光武帝。 1. Western Han Dynasty, Wang Mang usurped the throne, change the country as “new”. The new dynasty turned out to be evil, brutal exploitation of people, making the people live in trouble, the world chaos. Soon, a nationwide peasant uprising broke out. 2. AD 22, the Western Han Dynasty, landowners in Nanyang Liu Xiu brothers, but also with the peasant rebel army and work together to jointly oppose Wang Mang regime. Liu Xiu often takes the lead in the battle and assaults in battle. Kunyang (now Ye County, Henan Province) wiped out the enemy with 400,000 battles and created a well-known war example in the history of our country that won less. 3. Liu Xiu called for the restoration of the Han dynasty’s regime and won the support of bureaucrats and landlords in Hebei and other places. After years of campaigning, Liu Hsiu-ping finally settled down in the world, resurrected in Han Dynasty and built Luoyang. Due to Luoyang in the west capital of Chang’an east, known as the Eastern Han Dynasty, said Liu Xiu Guangwu.
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本文对开展语文综合实践活动必要性进行了论述,对财会专业和营销专业综合实践活动的案例进行了设计,并对其取得的效果进行了分析。 This article discusses the necessity o
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