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电脑型电话普通电话功能单一,联络区域有限,而电脑型电话机却能扬长弃弊,如电脑型移动通信半径达25公里,还可同程控电脑联网,与全球的商、贸、学各界通联。再如电脑卡电话,使用智能卡付费,具备数据存储量大、文件管理、反复读写、数据加密、自动留言诸多优点,故电脑型电话将成为明日之星。自动翻译电话 2001年,当您拿起电话打长途直拨电话时,不管您说什么国家语言,也不管对方是哪个国家,双方都可自由地畅谈,不用担心语言的障碍,因为那时使用的将是自动翻译电话。自动翻译电话由三大系统组成:①语言判别系统,它能分辨和认知说话人的声音;②自动翻译系统,能将说话人的语言自动转移成另一种语言;③发送系统,向受话人发出另一种语言的合成声音。整个自动翻译过程只需数秒 Computer telephony ordinary phone single function, limited contact area, and computer-based telephones can Yangxianxuexian, such as computer-based mobile communications radius of 25 km, but also with the program-controlled computer networking, and the global business, trade and learning community contacts . Another example is the computer card phone, the use of smart cards to pay, with large data storage, file management, repeated reading and writing, data encryption, automatic message many advantages, so the computer-based phone will become the star of tomorrow. Automatic translation of telephone In 2001, when you pick up a call and make a long distance direct dial telephone, no matter what national language you speak and which country you are from, both parties are free to talk without having to worry about the language barrier, Is an automatic translation of the phone. Automatic translation of telephone consists of three major systems: ① language discrimination system, which can distinguish and recognize the speaker’s voice; ② automatic translation system, the speaker’s language can be automatically transferred to another language; ③ sending system to the subject The speaker emits a synthesized voice in another language. The entire automatic translation process takes only a few seconds
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China’s stock market is getting older and wiser, but by international standards it has a long way to go China’s stock market is still a teenager, but it’s a
无核白鸡心欧亚种。平均穗重500克,最重可达1500克。果穗圆锥形。果粒平均重4.2克,鸡心形,绿黄色,果皮薄而韧。肉质硬脆,味甜,含糖量16.5%,不落粒,不裂果,香甜适口,品质 Se
在阅读《狼图腾》这本书之前,狼在我印象中一直是一个天地不容的角色。我们把心肠歹毒的人形容成“狼心狗肺”,把互相勾结干坏事比作“狼狈为奸”,把居心叵测看作“狼子野心”,把侵犯异性的人比作“色狼”,甚至生活中大人吓唬小孩,也会大喊一声“狼来了”,吓得小孩赶紧躲在大人身后,诸如此类的还有“披着羊皮的狼”、“东郭先生与狼”和“狼外婆”等等。然而,直到翻开《狼图腾》这本书,我才认识到不一样的狼。  《狼图腾
China’s 30 plus provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions take turns showcasing their culture and customs at the ongoing World Expo in Shanghai. Beijing
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