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唱歌是对学生进行美育教育的手段。要达到这一目的,就必须注意不断提高学生对音乐的理解力。因为只有理解才会有所感受,只有有了感受,心灵才会受到美的陶冶。启发式的教唱方法对提高学生对音乐的理解力是极为有益的。一、教唱前的准备。在教唱一首歌之前,教师必须先把歌唱熟、唱好,要把歌曲所塑造的音乐形象体会准确,理解深透。不仅能唱出感 Singing is a means of aesthetically educating students. To achieve this goal, we must pay attention to continuously improve students’ understanding of music. Because only by understanding will feel, and only with feelings, the heart will be beauty of the United States. The heuristic teaching of singing and singing is very useful to improve students’ understanding of music. First, to teach pre-singing preparation. Before teaching a song, a teacher must first familiarize himself with singing and sing well. He must understand the music image shaped by the song accurately and thoroughly. Not only can sing a sense
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一、小城镇社区就业的局限性 小城镇现代化程度制约着社区就业岗位的需要。与大中城市相比,小城镇无论是城市的硬件设施,还是软环境建设,无论是经济发展水平,还是居民生活质
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正如老舍所说,天下几乎没有和作家不相干的事情,所以作家需要知识丰富。当今社会,人们往往把成为作家的标准强加在每个人身上。人们普遍认为全面发展才是好的,偏科必定会遭受鄙视。但在这力争“广”的潮流中,“深”的重要性逐渐被人们所淡忘。其实,深,尤为重要。  《福尔摩斯探案集》第一篇中,华生为读者开出了一份福尔摩斯的学识简表:文学知识——无;哲学知识——无;天文学知识——无;政治学知识——浅薄;植物学知识
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