
来源 :企业销售 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq123287
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我认为,独立经营的配套企业的销售范围没有必要扩大。这类企业,其最大的优点是天然形成的一种垄断,这种垄断不是产品的垄断,而足一种自然而然形成在顾客观念上的垄断,正是凭借这一垄断地位,使产品在顾客心目中信得过,价格上信得过,维修服务信得过等等,使顾客乐于舍近求远,到这类企业购买产品。但是一旦这类企业扩大其销售范围,就会使其变成一种小型百货 In my opinion, there is no need to expand the scope of sales of independent companies that are supporting companies. The biggest advantage of this type of enterprise is its natural monopoly. This monopoly is not a monopoly of products. It is a monopoly that is naturally formed in the concept of customers. It is through this monopoly that the products are in the eyes of customers. CITIC won, the price is trustworthy, and the maintenance service is reliable, so that customers are willing to go further and go to such companies to purchase products. But once such companies expand their sales, they will turn it into a small department store.
四川省什邡市洛水镇八一村,有一所名为慈济八一小学的板房学校。2008年震惊中外的5·12汶川大地震发生后,村里的小学倒塌了,变成了一片废墟,孩子们失去了他们的精神家园。 T
0 引言基于Web的事务处理系统中,用户所获取的信息应该是可控的,他们只能获取自己权限范围内所能获取的资源。在一个系统中,如何使用户的视野受到严格的控制是权限管理的关
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花滩镇中心小学是该县规模最大的一所农村小学,始建于1938年,距县城5公里。学校现有教学班19个,在校学生916人。全校教职工51人,其中,党员教师10人,小 Huatan Town Central
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