Gene profiles between non-invasive and invasive colon cancer using laser microdissection and polypep

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tinggu
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AIM: To explore the expression of differential gene expression profiles of target cell between non-invasive submucosal and invasive advanced tumor in colon carcinoma using laser microdissection (LMD) in combination with polypeptide analysis. METHODS: Normal colon tissue samples from 20 healthy individuals and 30 cancer tissue samples from early non-invasive colon cancer cells were obtained. The cells from these samples were used LMD independently after P27-based amplification. aRNA from advanced colon cancer cells and metastatic cancer cells of 40 cases were applied to LMD and polypeptide analysis, semiquantitative reverse transcribed polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemical assays were used to verify the results of microarray and further identify differentially expressed genes in non-invasive early stages of colon cancer. RESULTS: Five gene expressions were changed in colon carcinoma cells compared with that of controls. Of the five genes, three genes were downregulated and two were upregulated in invasive submucosal colon carcinoma compared with non-invasive cases. The results were confirmed at the level of aRNA and gene expression. Five genes were further identified as differentially expressed genes in the majority ofcases (> 50%, 25/40) in progression of colon cancer, and their expression patterns of which were similar to tumor suppressor genes or oncogenes. CONCLUSION: This study suggested that combined use of polypeptide analysis might identify early expression profiles of five differential genes associated with the invasion of colon cancer. These results reveal that this gene may be a marker of submucosal invasion in early colon cancer. AIM: To explore the expression of differential gene expression profiles of target cells between non-invasive submucosal and invasive advanced tumors in colon carcinoma using laser microdissection (LMD) in combination with polypeptide analysis. METHODS: Normal colon tissue samples from 20 healthy individuals and 30 aRNA from advanced colon cancer cells and metastatic cancer cells of 40 cases were applied to LMD and polypeptide analysis, The results of semiquantitative reverse transcribed polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemical assays were used to verify the results of microarray and further identify differentially expressed genes in non-invasive early stages of colon cancer. with that of controls. Of the five genes, three genes were downregula ted and two were upregulated in invasive submucosal colon carcinoma compared with non-invasive cases. The results were confirmed at the level of aRNA and gene expression. Five genes were further identified as differentially expressed genes in the majority ofcases (> 50%, 25 / 40) in progression of colon cancer, and their expression patterns of which were similar to tumor suppressor genes or oncogenes. CONCLUSION: This study suggested that combined use of polypeptide analysis might identify early expression profiles of five differential genes associated with the invasion of colon cancer These results reveal that this gene may be a marker of submucosal invasion in early colon cancer.
孙彦青先生对我的《深奥的比喻》一文(刊《语文学习》1991年第4期)中的两个例旬提出质疑(刊《语文学习》1992年第1期),这两个句子是: (1) 我真喜欢这个地方,正像喜欢望远镜
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