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2010年年末,财政部下发了《关于检查中央金融企业负责人薪酬管理情况的通知》,对23户中央金融企业负责人2009年度薪酬管理情况进行了专项检查。检查的23户中央金融企业包括银行、资产管理公司、保险公司等;检查的薪酬管理情况主要针对中央金融企业负责人,包括专职党委书记、副书记、党委委员、纪委书记、董事长、副董事长、执行董事、总经理、总裁、行长、监事长、副总经理、副总裁、副行长等。此消息一发布便引起了社会各界和新闻媒体的关注。近年来,金融企业不断曝出天价年薪,与此同时,国家有关部门采取了出台“限薪令”、加大监督检查力度等措施来控制金融企业高管薪酬。那么,金融企业高管的薪酬到底有多高?国家有关部门近年来先后采取了哪些措施“限薪”?应该如何管理金融企业高管的薪酬?本期将围绕金融企业高管薪酬这一话题进行讨论。 At the end of 2010, the Ministry of Finance issued the Circular on Checking the Compensation Management of Heads of Central Financial Enterprises, and conducted special inspections on the 2009 annual remuneration management of the heads of 23 central financial enterprises. 23 central financial enterprises examined included banks, asset management companies and insurance companies. The inspection of remuneration management mainly focused on the heads of central financial enterprises including full-time party secretaries, deputy secretaries, party committees, secretary of discipline inspection commission, chairman and deputy directors Long, executive director, general manager, president, president, chairman of the board of supervisors, vice president, vice president, vice president and so on. This news release has aroused the concern of all sectors of society and the news media. In recent years, financial enterprises constantly exposed high salary, at the same time, the relevant departments of the state adopted the introduction of “salary limit ”, and increase supervision and inspection efforts to control financial executives compensation. So, the financial executives in the end how high the pay? The relevant departments in the country has taken some measures in recent years, “limited salary”? How to manage the financial executives pay? This issue will focus on financial executives this pay A topic for discussion.
《谭史斋论稿续编》是葛志毅先生近年来继《谭史斋论稿》之后先秦史研究的又一成果结集 ,其主体部分是他参加夏商周断代工程子课题“《尚书》可信性研究”的论文撰著。此书无
在海上漂泊了一年多,阔别很久的家现在啥样子?老伴的身体怎么样?儿女们的生活如何?……休假的李老轨带着满脑子的问号回到自家的楼下。 楼旁土垒高筑,沟沟相联,管道遍地。有
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