每到盛夏季节,运输活猪就容易发生猪中暑(日射病、热射病),尤其是大肥猪脂肪多,散热机能低,中暑更为常见。1980年5月临桂县食品公司运输310头商品猪至柳州肉联厂,车未搭棚,又不通风,在烈日暴晒下,致使猪中暑死亡205头,经济损失32394元。如何防止猪中暑呢? 1.车箱要通风通气,要洒凉水。 2.车箱内不宜拥挤,以猪前后左右均能活动为好。 3.车运输要用棚车,四周开门窗,汽车运输停车要停在阴凉地方。 4.要备有青绿饲料和充足的饮水。
Every summer season, live pigs are prone to pig heat stroke (sun, fever), especially fat pig fat, heat dissipation, heat stroke is more common. In May 1980, Lingui County Food Company transported 310 pigs to Liuzhou Meat Factory. The car was not scaffolded and was not ventilated. In the hot sun exposure, 205 pigs died of heat stroke and the economic loss was 32,394 yuan. How to prevent heat stroke in pigs? 1. The ventilation box should be ventilated, to sprinkle cold water. 2. The trunk should not be crowded, to pigs around can be as good as before. 3. Car transport to use a box car, around the open windows and doors, car parking to stop in a cool place. 4 to be prepared with green feed and adequate drinking water.