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手机增进人与人之间的情感交流,手机与音乐的结合则是完美的情感载体;音乐是心灵的语言,不可忽视它的存在,只有音乐才能给疲惫的心灵带来一个恬静的港湾,也只有音乐才能打动你早已尘封的“心”弦…… 手机能沟通!能上网!能娱乐!那我们还要什么?我们还要音乐! 这里所说的音乐,并不是指单纯的手机铃声,而是能够用耳聆听,用心能感受到的,实实在在的音乐。如果你想拥有随时随地的音乐,但又不想太麻烦,那为何不考虑买个带MP3播放功能的手机呢?那么我们应该如何来选择花样繁多的MP3音乐手机呢? 本次评测就是专门对目前市场上支持MP3的主流手机所做横向评测,针对目前市场上打着MP3旗号的手机而言,消费者不一定真的了解所谓“MP3手机”是否可用来播放MP3,其实很多手机也只是支持一段MP3作为铃声而已,并不能让消费者用来享受音乐。而我们选择的MP3手机则是真正意义上可以播放MP3的手机,虽然价格相对较其他手机高一些,但作为手机未来的一大发展趋势和市场的需求情况来看,这也是消费者真正需要的。如果你正打算购买一台带MP3播放功能的手机,那么本文将给你带来最好的参考。 Mobile phone to promote the emotional exchanges between people, cell phones and music is the perfect emotional carrier; music is the language of the soul, can not be ignored its existence, only the music can give the tired soul a quiet harbor, but also Only the music can move you already dusty “Heart ” string ...... Mobile phone can communicate! Can access the Internet! Can be entertained! Then we have what? We have music! Music here, does not mean a simple phone ringtones , But can use the ear to listen, hard to feel, real music. If you want to have anytime, anywhere music, but do not want to be too troublesome, why not consider buying a cell phone with MP3 playback? Then how should we choose a variety of MP3 music phone? This evaluation is specifically for the current In the market, the mainstream mobile phones that support MP3 make a horizontal evaluation. For the mobile phones currently carrying the MP3 flag on the market, the consumers may not really understand whether the so-called “MP3 mobile phone” can be used to play MP3s. In fact, many mobile phones only Support for a piece of MP3 as a ringtone only, does not allow consumers to enjoy the music. And our choice of MP3 mobile phone is a true sense of the MP3 mobile phone, although the price is relatively higher than other phones, but as a major mobile phone future trends and market demand situation, this is what consumers really need . If you are planning to buy a cell phone with MP3 playback, this article will give you the best reference.
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