
来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijiquan_555
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This paper describes the blade containment tests for six sets of single model blade on a vertical breaking down tester with excess revolution.The experimental results indicate that the blade body fragment flying off impacts against the model aeroengine case time and again.The incident angle of the blade fragment against the case in the initial impact is smaller than in the later impacts,the case damage of the first impact is smaller than that of the final impact,and the impacts of the blade fragment against the case make the blade fragment crimple.In principle the experimental results of the blade fragment containment and non containment are consistent with the containment curve of single compressor blade (for use only in case of the blade body) in the Spey MK202 Stressing Standards (EGD 3) and are on the safe side.It is the preliminary conclusion that the containment curve of single compressor blade (for use only in case of the blade body) in EGD 3 can be used to predict the containment of the similar blade. This paper describes the blade containment tests for six sets of single model blade on a vertical breaking down tester with excess revolution. The experimental results indicate that the blade body fragment flying off impacts against the model aeroengine case time and again. Incident angle of the blade fragment against the case in the initial impact is smaller than in the later impacts, the case damage of the first impact is smaller than that of the final impact, and the impacts of the blade fragment against the case make the blade fragment crimple. principle the experimental results of the blade fragment containment and non containment are consistent with the containment curve of single compressor blade (for use only in case of the blade body) in the Spey MK202 Stressing Standards (EGD 3) and are on the safe side. It is the preliminary conclusion t hat the containment curve of single compressor blade (for use only in case of the blade body) in EGD 3 can be used to predict the containment of the similar blade.
一、结论开放性试题例1 亚硝酸钠(化学式 NaNO_2)是一种外观极像食盐,且具有与食盐一样碱味的有毒物质,因此,这种工业用盐常被冒充食盐掺假或被误作食盐使用,导致多起中毒事
1 概述航空武器设计工程师应该了解美国有关数据传输系统的MIL—STD—1553B标准。本文将对该标准进行简要的介绍。美国是1973年公布MIL—STD—1553标准的,1975年4月公布了15
辛子桐第一次见到穿黑西装的男人,是冬日正午。结束上午的工作,在离住所一百五十米的餐馆吃午餐时,穿黑西装的男人对她说了第一句话。他说:“出太阳了,难得的好天气啊。”辛子桐抬头看了他一眼,男人坐在临近的矮桌前,手握筷子怔怔地看着门口。确信他只是在自言自语后,辛子桐低下头继续吃盒饭。  那是一间像仓库一样巨大空旷的餐馆。屋顶用蓝色彩钢瓦搭成,污秽的玻璃门敞开着,印着“米线”“水饺”“盒饭”六个红色大字,
本文提出并讨论了起落架双腔缓冲器的初始压力优化设计问题,给出了分析模型与方法。国产某运输机起落架改双腔的算例表明,该模型与方法是可行的。 This paper presents and
对空气冷却的旋转盘换热进行了萘升华传热—传质模拟实验。共采用两种模型 :自由盘的实验结果与换热实验数据和理论预测吻合得很好 ;对带罩盘模型得到了盘表面局部施伍德数 s