China’s New RMB Move:A Political Step in the Game of Negotiation?

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  This summer, China announced it would introduce more flexibility into its exchange rate, and at the same time make it remain "basi- cally stable". "l-his move has drawn great attention from both home and abroad since China's currency reform has always been a hot topic for economists, politicians, export businessmen, media and of course the pub- lic; these forces have combined to make it seem like a big issue that everyone should take a serious look at and know some facts about.
From December 8 to December 17, Zhang Wei, Vice President of CCPIT headeda delegation comprised of entrepreneurs, delegates from sub-branch of CCPIT
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“indigestion" and other unhealthy symptoms after acquisitionabroad due to the inadequate experiences. It should also be noted
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At the beginning of 2010, the overall start of China-ASEAN Frcc Trade Area (CAFTA) came as amilestone in the annals of China-ASEAN relations, and it may well serve as a lnodcl for regional co-operatio
The Arab and African countries canbenefit from the Chinese expertise in ag-riculture, which will facilitate the wholeregion's strategies for food security, anagriculture expert said on February 16.
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C.Y. Lin was born in Taipei Taiwanon Aug, 21,1975. He is the CEO of Van-
Article 1 For the purpose ofregulating the Tax Preservation and en-