On the Mainland and Taiwan Comparative Literature Studies:Similarities and Differnces

来源 :Comparative Literature:East & West | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ltsomeday
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In recent years,the globalization waves have provided Chinese present context with an unprecedentedly grand cultural trend.On the one hand,a continual tension between globalization and localization makes all the more prominent such dichotomized cultural patterns as traditional vs.modern,China vs.the world,marginal vs.central, and cultural conservatism vs.cultural radicalism;on the other hand, In recent years, the globalization waves have provided Chinese present context with an unprecedentedly grand cultural trend. On the one hand, a continual tension between globalization and localization makes all the more prominent such dichotomized cultural patterns as traditional vs. morodern, China vs.the world, marginal vs.central, and cultural conservatism vs.cultural radicalism; on the other hand,
2016年末,当红体育品牌Under Armour出现自上市以来的第一次亏损。2017年,又经历了裁员重组、下调预期、CEO离职……这些之前投资者完全没想到会与Under Armour沾边的事。在
IIN early October of 2003, without crossing the national border, the Chinese people had the chance to experience India’s rich culture and art. From October 1
It is argued that the culture fever in the 1980s and 1990s is the reflection of traditional culture vis-a-vis social and cultural crisis and realisation of the