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在网络传媒力量的推动之下,曾经被局限在“象牙塔”内部的文学批评逐渐受到越来越多外界因素的影响。80后作家群体的崛起、网络文学的蓬勃发展、精英文学的失语共同构建起21世纪初期当代文学的基本现状,正当人们纠缠于重读经典的大讨论时,莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖的消息无疑给沉寂良久的当代文学注入了新的兴奋点。作为莫言代表作之一的小说《檀香刑》或许能够为我们提供一种全新的视角,在厘清莫言创作模式的同时,洞悉中国当代文学缺失 Driven by the power of cyber media, literary criticism once confined to the “ivory tower” is gradually influenced by more and more external factors. The rise of post-1980 writers’ groups, the flourishing development of cyber-literature and the aphasia of elite literature jointly build the basic status quo of contemporary literature in the early 21st century. Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012 just as people were entangled in the grand debate on rereading classics. Undoubtedly injected a new excitement into the silence of contemporary literature. The novel “Sandalwood Punishment”, one of the representative works of Mo Yan, may provide us with a brand new perspective. While clarifying Mo Yan’s mode of creation, he also understands the lack of contemporary Chinese literature
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几乎千篇一律的每一天,从早晨六点到晚上六点,无数的习题编织出密密的、厚厚的大网,我最大的自由就是深陷其中,手上扎了尖刺也不敢喊疼。 Almost every day, from six in th