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谈谈播前准备 春播在即,“见苗三分喜,无苗一年愁。”作为连长又到了一年一度最关键的时刻之一。下面谈谈播前除劳动力组合以外的一些准备工作。 一、增施有机肥。要保障农业持续增产,必须要能保证农田不断得到肥力补充,即把作物从土壤中取走的那一部份养份,尽可能归还土壤。 中国科学院南京土壤研究所鲁如坤等著文指出,我国在农业现代化过程中从养分循环角度看存在以下问题:有机肥用量下降,化肥投入量迅速增加、农田水源污染增加、化肥进口量增加。世界经验表明“石油农业”的道路是不可取的,农业的出路在于逐步建立“低投入的持久农业”。要增加土壤有机肥的投入,走低投入、高养分循环、 About sowing ready for the spring broadcast soon, “see the three-hi hi seedlings, seedling worryless year.” As the commander once again to the annual one of the most crucial moment. Let’s talk about some preparatory work before broadcasting except for the labor force. First, increase organic fertilizer. To ensure that agriculture continues to increase its output, it must ensure that farmland is continually supplemented with fertilizers, that is, the portion of nutrients that are removed from the soil and returned to the soil as much as possible. According to Lu Rukun et al., Nanjing Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, there are some problems in the process of agricultural modernization from the point of view of nutrient cycling: the amount of organic fertilizer dropped, the input of chemical fertilizers increased rapidly, the pollution of farmland water sources increased, and the import of chemical fertilizers increased. World experience shows that the road of “oil agriculture” is not desirable. The way out for agriculture lies in gradually establishing a “low-input, long-term agriculture.” To increase the input of soil organic fertilizer, lower input, high nutrient cycle,
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