A Life Dedicated to China——In Memory of My Old Friend Israel Epstein

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Not long ago,with a feeling of nostalgia that is quite common to the over-80’s,I went to the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum at No.62,Changyang Road.I entered a tea house and sat at a table by the window.The afternoon sun spread its rays on the table.This took me back to a 28 years to such an afternoon with sunshine on the table.Israel Epstein and I were having coffee together.He told me about his family. Not long ago, with a feeling of nostalgia that is quite common to the over-80’s, I went to the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum at No.62, Changyang Road .I entered a tea house and sat at a table by the window. afternoon sun spread its rays on the table. This took me back to a 28 years to such an afternoon with sunshine on the table. Israel Epstein and I were having coffee together. He told me about his family.
China is to start a state purchase systemof major industrial materials from 1999.Ata meeting held in the middle of Januaryin Shanghai,it was reported that nonf
湖南益阳市蚊香总厂日前传出喜讯:该厂全面贯彻 ISO9002国际质量管理标准,已经顺利通过国际质量认证评审,这标志该厂质量管理体系已经与国际接轨,这在全国蚊香行业也是领先