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京九铁路在江西省境内两度跨越赣江的桥,一座是由铁十七局三处承建的泰和赣江特大桥,另一座即由铁十六局施工的吉安赣江特大桥。这两座特大桥均是京九线14项重点控制工程之一。上期介绍“神奇的泰和赣江特大桥”,它被誉为“铁路建桥史上的奇迹”。吉安赣江特大桥在大面积、大深度的溶洞群地段修双线特大桥,这在我国建桥史上尚属首次,又创造了一个奇迹。本篇文章让我们领略这座特大桥的风姿,体会它的艰辛,感受它的精神,让这座不朽的丰碑永放光芒。 Beijing-Kowloon Railway in Jiangxi Province twice crossed the Gan River Bridge, one by the iron seventeen three contractors Taihe Gan River Bridge, and the other by the construction of the sixteen innings of the Ji’an Gan River Bridge. These two large bridges are one of the 14 key control projects of the Beijing-Kowloon Line. The last introduction “magical Taihe Ganjiang Bridge”, it is hailed as “a miracle in the history of railway bridge construction.” Ji’an Ganjiang Bridge in a large area, a large depth of karst groups repair double-lane bridge, which in the history of our country is the first bridge construction, but also created a miracle. This article let us enjoy the charm of this bridge, experience its hardships, feel its spirit, let this monumental monument forever shine.
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