A few years ago there was a discussion that opposed innovation and pragmatism. To say that pragmatism is to oppose innovation, although no one does not have to say that innovation must be pragmatic. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. Innovation and pragmatism are contradictory unification, who can not miss. From a pragmatic point of view, pragmatism is to study materials, linguistics is to study language facts. The results of the study may be to supplement or modify the conclusions of the predecessors, such as the emergence of a phenomenon a few tens or a few hundred years earlier, or in between the two phenomena to find the intrinsic link, and so on And so on, can be called innovation. Of course, it is certainly innovation, which is obviously a pragmatic result because all the conclusions of our predecessors were overthrown and replaced with new conclusions due to the study of materials. Of course, there are also studies to study, still can not modify or supplement the conclusions of the predecessors, then it should be enough, otherwise it is unrealistic. From an innovation point of view, we often suddenly come to a different opinion from the previous one by one or two linguistic facts. It takes time and hardworking to collect examples, that is, real. If we just make a conclusion based on what we think of as a “moment of remembrance”, we will establish a law that will most likely not allow others to be picky and suddenly collapse. So I think pragmatic and innovative although the starting point is different, the process of work is basically the same.