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金针菇栽培以往都是待菌丝长满袋,就移至栽培室提高湿度开袋出菇。这种开袋方式子实体整齐度较差,基部分蘖受抑制,且不能全部成活,从而会影响质量和产量。笔者改进了这种传统开袋方式,先松开袋口棉塞,待菇蕾形成后,再拿掉套环,把袋口拉开下折至离料面3cm 处,以增加通风量,待子实体长齐至袋口后,再拉直袋口,覆盖上报纸,金针菇的产量和质量都会明显提高。(一)材料供试菌株为FL8203。母种培养基为PDA。原种培养基为蔗渣73%、麸皮25%、碳酸钙1%、蔗糖1%、磷酸二氢钾0.2%,水为干料的2倍。(二)方法①料拌匀后装袋,每个标准袋(14.5×28cm)装干料200g,常压灭菌100℃保持10小时,灭菌后无菌操作接种,1瓶原种接20袋。②设常规开袋(处理1)和改进式开袋(处理2)两个处理,每个处理20袋。③接种后置25℃下保湿培养,菌龄为55天。④栽培袋置17~18℃的空调室让其出菇,并保持空间湿度90%以上。每天通风一次。⑤子实体菌柄色泽为浅黄至金黄色,柄长10~15cm,菇盖2/3内卷,菇盖直径0.5~1.5cm,符合制罐要求。 Flammulina cultivation in the past are mycelium covered bags, moved to the cultivation room to increase humidity bag opening and fruiting. This open bag way sub-entity less uniform, the base of the tiller inhibited, and can not all survive, thus affecting the quality and yield. I improved this traditional method of opening the bag, first release the bag tampon until the mushroom Lei formation, and then remove the collar, the bag opened under the folded to the material from the surface 3cm Department, in order to increase the amount of ventilation to be After the fruiting bodies grow up to the pocket, the pocket of the pocket is straightened and the newspaper is covered. The yield and quality of the mushrooms will be obviously raised. (A) Materials for the test strain FL8203. Mother culture medium is PDA. The original medium for the bagasse 73%, bran 25%, calcium carbonate 1%, sucrose 1%, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.2%, water twice as dry material. (B) method ① mix well after the bagging, each standard bag (14.5 × 28cm) loaded dry material 200g, 100 ℃ for 10 hours, sterilized sterile operation after vaccination, a bottle of 20 bag. ② set conventional open bag (Treatment 1) and improved open bag (Treatment 2) two treatment, each handling 20 bags. ③ after inoculation set 25 ℃ moisturizing culture, the age of 55 days. ④ cultivation bag set 17 ~ 18 ℃ air conditioning room to fruiting, and to maintain space humidity above 90%. Ventilate once a day. ⑤ fruiting body stipe color is light yellow to golden yellow, handle length 10 ~ 15cm, mushroom cover 2/3 volume, mushroom cover diameter 0.5 ~ 1.5cm, in line with the requirements of the can.