A Broken Heart 心碎

来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongling54321
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  My heart was broken.
  My grandpa Richard and grandma Nancy were everything to us. They had the biggest heart of gold, and they worried about us the most. They worried about everybody and always wanted to make sure that we were all okay.
  They adored us and also did everything they could do to protect us. They were always with us. They were as close as our parents could be. Our grandparents were both literate1 and they helped us with all aspects of developing our skills, made us independent in thinking and provided their valuable time training us with good habits, built a bridge between neighbors and friends. They always gave us a choice and explained what outcomes might occur with that choice, and they taught us how to make important decisions in life. They spent quality time which was a priceless gift that will be treasured by us for life. The greatest gift I gave them was LOVE!Love of family, friends, other people, animals, nature and everything else on this Earth!They are very important to all of us. And if there were problems, they solved them. They really molded2 us, by being perfect grandparents.
  As a child I always thought, they were immortal3 and will be with us even reaching the age of 200. Now I’ve realized that life is finite4 and that you should never waste your time. That’s why I am always busy right now. They always gave us a hug and kiss whenever we meet. I never failed to return their love again. I had a very good childhood. My brother is three-and-a-half years older than me. My parents are the sweetest and most caring people in the world but, nevertheless, when I was younger I tended to push at my grandparents boundaries.
  Life is fun but one day it showed us it also has some serious moments with profound effect when our grandpa was unwell. He was bedridden5. After a few days he passed away and this was the first death in the family. It is so hard to imagine even today our family is deeply shaken by the death of our beloved grandfather. Two hearts were beating as one and became more spiritually minded, and the bond between the couple was so strong that when one soul departed, the other followed. In my mind, I still see them sitting together at the table doing crossword puzzles, telling stories and their experiences day after day.
  My family and I are still grieving6...Some moments are worse than others...Sometimes I just wish my grandfather and grandmother would come back to me!
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