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为给我国特有种山核桃种群保护提供科学依据,应用生态位理论对历山山核桃群落的26个优势种群进行生态位宽度和生态位重叠分析。结果表明:1)历山山核桃群落中,山核桃、连翘和披针叶苔草分别是群落建群种和优势种,数量多,分布广泛,利用环境资源的能力较强,因此,生态位宽度较大。2)漆树、杜梨、鞘柄菝葜和小叶鼠李因分布范围较小,对资源的利用能力较弱而生态位宽度较小。3)26个优势种群并不存在完全普遍重叠。生态位特定重叠值大小与生态位宽度有一定的关系,生态位宽度大的种群如山核桃、北京丁香、连翘,与其它种群间特定重叠较大。但某些生态位宽度较大的种群间生态位特定重叠值并不高,如山核桃和紫苞筋骨草为0.001,北京丁香和牛尾蒿为0。生态位宽度较小的种群间生态位特定重叠值也可能较大,如虎榛子和山楂为0.566。 In order to provide a scientific basis for peculiar species of pecan population protection in our country, niche breadth and niche overlapping analysis of 26 dominant populations of walnut communities in Lishan Mountain were carried out based on niche theory. The results showed as follows: 1) The perennial walnut communities in Lishan Mountain were perennial walnut, forsythia suspensa and Carex lanceolata, which were mostly community-building species and dominant species. They were abundant in quantity and widely distributed, and their ability to utilize environmental resources was strong. Therefore, Bit width larger. 2) Rhus typhina, Pyrus pyrifolia, sheath sheath 菝 葜 and lobular mouse Li because of the smaller distribution, the ability to use resources is weak and the niche breadth is small. 3) The 26 dominant populations do not have complete universal overlap. The value of niche overlap has a certain relationship with niche breadth, and niche breadths such as pecan, Clove, Forsythia suspense and other populations have greater overlap. However, the niche-specific niche overlap of some niche breadth was not high, for example, 0.001 for pecan and bract, and 0 for Beijing clove and Artemisia annua. Specific niche niche overlap may also be greater among populations with smaller niche breadths, eg 0.566 for tiger hazelnut and hawthorn.
This paper presents an integrated approach towards solving the problem of “Gene Prediction”.The “Gene Prediction” problem solving undergoes well defined sta
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