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目前存储业界面临的最大问题之一是物理存储的效率非常低,而业界针对这一问题的技术解决方案是增加更多的磁盘,或者说,为了保护数据,不断地建立镜像。而实际情况是,磁盘中只有30%的空间得到了真正有效的利用,其它的都浪费到了镜像方面,针对这种情况,StoraseTek 公司推出了虚拟存储的概念,其全球副总裁Andreoli 介绍说:“虚拟存储是 StoraseTek 在磁盘和磁带存储方面的战略,它允许客户以透明有效的方式在磁盘和磁带上存储数据。可以说虚拟化并不是一个新平台,而是存储的一种方式,客户可以充分利用以前存在的旧介质来有效地进行资料和数据的存储,可以方便地进行读取,这是一种开放式的结构,可以和不同的平台接在一起。在磁盘架构方面,StorageTek 有一个独特的产品叫做 SVA(共享虚拟阵列),再加上 SNAPSHOT 软件,可以让客户对他们的物理磁盘空间进行有效地使用。”Andreoli 谈到 StorageTek 的第二个市场战略是开发专门针对 NT 的产品以保持其磁带和磁带自动化方面的领先位置,上个季度 StorageTek 推出的 L20磁带库就是专门针对 NT 客户的。StorageTek 磁带库产品在全球高端市场占到了80%的份额,在企业级的磁带机市场中占 One of the biggest problems facing the storage industry today is that the efficiency of physical storage is very low, and the industry’s technical solution to this problem is to add more disks, or, in order to protect data, constantly build images. The reality is that only 30% of the space in the disk has been used effectively. The rest is wasted on the mirror. In response to this situation, StoraseTek has introduced the concept of virtual storage, and its global vice president Andreoli explained: Virtual storage is StoraseTek’s strategy for disk and tape storage, which allows customers to store data on disk and tape in a transparent and efficient manner. It can be said that virtualization is not a new platform, but a way of storage, customers can fully Use existing old media to efficiently store data and data for easy reading, which is an open architecture that can be interfaced with different platforms.In terms of disk architecture, StorageTek has a unique The product, called SVA (Shared Virtual Array), plus SNAPSHOT software, allows customers to use their physical disk space efficiently.” Andreoli talks about StorageTek’s second marketing strategy is to develop products specifically designed for NT to maintain Leading position in tape and tape automation, L20 tape library launched by StorageTek last quarter NT is designed for customers. StorageTek tape library products account for 80% of the global high-end market, accounting for the enterprise-class tape drive market.
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、,娶爿粗露票黉越。瓣孵熏刳粗.N¨鞯躜k淑/(缮驰蕊+餐碴熏+露熏舟v。瓣霞幂牝艇.H 辖求R龊饕锵畿堪,目鞴趱k妪鞯确榭醛长整。羞稽辚帐甾.N m鞯蹈牝妪骚鹄妪摄。瓣妪铽k越._