Trauma,Memory,and History:A Study of the Southern Fiction of Trauma

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美国南方独特的历史记忆孕育了20世纪繁荣一时的美国南方文艺复兴运动。从1929年到1946年,内战和重建所造成的“历史性创伤”以代际传递的方式,逐层介入南方集体记忆,形成个人、家庭、文化的记忆框架。福克纳等南方作家群体通过个人创伤、家庭创伤和文化创伤的重复和历史回顾,创造出系列创伤小说。创伤作为小说的主题和情节,在个人记忆和集体记忆的层面上,构筑了南方对历史的反思和阐释;而创伤作为小说的形式要素,在人物的心理和叙事层面上,塑造了创伤人物延宕、重复、解离、潜伏期等心理特征。南方创伤小说展示了历史性创伤和个人结构创伤对社会和传统秩序的破坏,创伤事件对自我造成的伤害,以及个人和集体之间联系的破裂,深化了在历史语境下南方作家对个人与社会、过去和现实的思考。南方创伤小说成为南方文艺复兴小说创作成熟期的标志。 The unique historical memory of the southern United States gave birth to the prosperous American Southern Renaissance in the 20th century. From 1929 to 1946, the “historic wounds” caused by the civil war and reconstruction relied on the inter-generational transfer of collective memory in the South to form an individual, family and cultural memory framework. Faulkner and other Southern writers created a series of traumatic novels through the repetition and historical review of individual trauma, family trauma and cultural trauma. Trauma as the theme and plot of the novel, at the level of personal memory and collective memory, constructs the reflection and interpretation of history in the South; while trauma, as the formal element of the novel, shapes the traumatic delay in the psychological and narrative level of the characters , Repetition, dissociation, latency and other psychological characteristics. Southern Traumatic Novels show the damage to the society and the traditional order caused by traumatic and personal structural wounds, the injury caused by traumatic events to themselves and the breakdown of the connection between individuals and collectives, Social, past and present thinking. Southern trauma novels become the symbol of the maturity of Southern Renaissance novels.
摘要:简·奥斯丁的《傲慢与偏见》具有独特的叙事艺术,主要表现在作者在叙述人称上使用全知叙述的独特性,力求在有限的第三人称叙述中,让读者自己去思考,最大限度地把读者带入作品世界。另外,作家在叙述方式上大量使用场景,通过运用场景对人物进行形象塑造,以此突出作品主题,从而增强作品的真实性。  关键词:简·奥斯丁 叙事艺术 作品 人称  中图分类号:I106.4 文献标识码:A  简·奥斯丁是19
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