女人不是弱者 ——记沈阳东陵少林寺武术学校校长赵淑华

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1996年12月,中国武术运动管理中心在钓鱼台国宾馆举行了首届全国优秀武术馆校颁奖大会,沈阳市东陵少林武术学校跃然榜上。 该校自90年建校以来,向省市体育院校、训练队和企事业单位及武警部队输送学员数百名,有15人参加了国际、国内及省市级大赛,奖牌数量不计其数。如今,它在白山黑水的东北地区,无论是规模、设施还是办学质量都当属一流。学校校长赵淑华女士也成为获得巨大成功的女强人。 跟赵淑华接触,你会有一种巾帼不让须眉的深切感受,她的魅力在于其百折不挠的性格。 赵淑华自幼便对武术有着浓厚的兴趣,每天早晨趁父母还在睡梦中便偷偷跑到公园向一些有功底的老师傅学习武功。年龄稍长,一些武打影片中武艺高强、深明大义的武林女杰形象令她羡慕不已,使她下定了投身武术事业的决心。1989年,她前往河南嵩山拜少林寺第29代接法传人释永信为师,法号释延姑。为了使少林武术绵绵不息,世代相传,她产生了创办武校的想法。 In December 1996, the Chinese Wushu Sports Management Center held the first prize presentation ceremony for the National Excellent Wushu Schools in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. The Shaolin Wushu School in Dongling, Shenyang surged to the standings. Since its establishment 90 years ago, the school has sent hundreds of trainees to provincial and municipal sports academies, training teams, enterprises, institutions and armed police forces, and 15 participated in international, national and provincial competitions in countless numbers . Today, it is in the northeastern region of Baishanheishui, no matter its size, facilities or school quality are among the best. Ms. Zhao Shuhua, the school principal, also became a woman who achieved great success. Contact with Zhao Shuhua, you will have a kind of deep feeling not to let the man, her charm lies in his indomitable personality. Zhao Shuhua has a strong interest in martial arts since childhood. Every morning while her parents are still asleep, they secretly run to the park to learn martial arts from some experienced masters. A little older, some martial arts film martial arts, profound martial arts woman image so admired her, make her determined to join martial arts career. In 1989, she traveled to Henan Province Songshan worship Shaolin Temple 29th generation descendant of the interpreter as a teacher, Wing Fa Fa. In order to keep the endless Shaolin martial arts, handed down from generation to generation, she created the idea of ​​creating Wu school.