
来源 :高中生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peter_wan
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有个男人在他家的草坪上做着什么,我不大懂。我路过的时候,他正在用一把钝刀清理着一条长长的帆布带子,像是在磨刀。带子悬空挂着,系在两棵树之间。他向我点点头,从牛仔帽底下露出一张笑脸。我也冲他点点头,笑了笑,然后继续沿着街道走,惊讶这里多了这么些新房子。当我返回到街角时,那个男人正站在悬挂于两棵树之间的带子上。他在上面走走跳跳。在我刚才沿着长长的街区闲逛的时候,他已经在草坪上铺了两块厚厚的缓冲垫,脱掉了软皮鞋,跳到了带子上。等他跳下来后,我问他玩走绷索有多长时间了。他晃着一根手指说:“不是绷索,是软绳啊。从十月份开始的,我玩得还不怎么好,你要不要试试?”“我穿的鞋子不适合。”“没事的,别人穿啥都这么玩。”我一直都惧怕摇晃而且狭窄的东西。我一辈子都在躲着这些东西,但现在我已经四十多岁了,时间本身已经不那么宽裕了。我一下子甩掉木底鞋,穿着袜子站在那儿。这个陌生人拿钝刀清理掉带子上的泥土。他给我解释说,我应该先上右脚。我照做了。带子只有一英寸(约2.54厘米)左右宽,我一踩上 What a man doing on the lawn of his house, I do not understand. While I was passing, he was cleaning a long canvas band with a dull knife like a knife. Hanging tape hanging, tied in between the two trees. He nodded to me, revealing a smile from under the cowboy hat. I also nodded to him, smiled, and then continue along the street, surprised here so many new houses. When I returned to the corner, the man was standing on a tape hanging between two trees. He walked and jumped above. As I just walked along the long block, he had already laid two thick cushions on the lawn, took off the moccasins, and jumped onto the band. When he jumped down, I asked him how long it took to stretch the tightrope. He waved a finger and said: “It's not a tightrope, it's a soft rope, and I've not played well since October, do not you try?” “I'm not wearing the shoes. ”“ It's all right, other people are playing so play. ”I have been afraid of shaking and narrow things. I've been dodging these things all my life, but now I'm in my 40s and the time is not that good. I suddenly get rid of clogs, wearing socks standing there. The stranger took a blunt knife to clean the soil from the tape. He explained to me that I should have my right foot first. I did it. The tape is only about an inch (about 2.54 cm) wide, I stepped on
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秋,你是谁的?是我的吗?哦!你是水果的。秋天,苹果红了,香梨黄了,葡萄紫了,西瓜大了,香蕉甜了。秋,你是谁的?是我的吗?哦!你是树叶的。秋天,枫叶红了,像一支支燃 Autumn, who