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我国军工行业唯一的全国性报纸由国防科工委主办,是国防科工委、国家计委、国家科委指导我国军工部门做好军转民及军民结合工作的报纸。报道内容:中央关于“军民结合”、“军转民”的理论、方针、政策;军工行业保军转民、军民结合的重要新闻、经验及问题反映;国防科技工业战线先进人物及第二次创业精神;军转民技术及民品信息;解密的国防科技成果;国外军工及高科技发展动态等。辟有《军工论坛》、《领导谈军民结合》、《军转民经验交流》、《难题与对策》、《政策法规》、《经济信息》、《国际商情》、《市场与管理》、《军队生产经营》、《优秀科技成果》、《解密成果选登》、《军转民技术》、《新产品快迅》、《打入国际市场产品》、《军工企业家》、 The only national newspaper in China’s military industry is sponsored by the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, and is the newspaper of the National Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, the State Development Planning Commission, and the State Science and Technology Commission that guides the military industry in China to do a good job in combining civil-military and civil-military-military work. Contents of the report: Theories, guidelines, and policies of the Central Government on “combining the military with the people” and “military transfer to the people”; important news, experience, and reflections on the combination of military, civilian, and civil-military services; advanced figures of the defense science, technology, and industry front, and the second time Entrepreneurial spirit; military-to-civilian technology and civilian information; decrypted defense scientific and technological achievements; foreign military and high-tech development dynamics. There are “military forums,” “leaders talk about military and civilian integration,” “military-to-civil experience exchanges,” “difficulty and countermeasures,” “policy and regulations,” “economic information,” “international business conditions,” “market and management,” and “ ”Production and Management of the Armed Forces,“ ”Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievements,“ ”Declassification of Declassification Achievements,“ ”Military Transformation Technology,“ ”New Product Express,“ ”Entering into International Market Products,“ and ”Military Entrepreneurs,"
我局是从1985年起推广电刷镀新技术的。几年来,通过电刷镀修复的各种机械零配件,经过实际验证,达到了较高的技术性能和使用要求。现就我局开展电刷镀工作谈两点体会。 The