Henan's Magic Mountain

来源 :CHINA TODAY | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaopp1920
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  SEAT of the capitals of several dynasties and theirsplendid heritage, both tangible and intangible, HenanProvince at the heart of the Central Plains is the ac-knowledged cradle of the Chinese civilization.
MICHAEL ZARATE  ALAN Garcia Perez has alwaysconsidered himself an admir-er of the late former Chinese.
VISITORS to Zhangjiajie, inHunan Province, often resortto comparisons with the divinewhen searching for a cogent de-seription of their impression of its hillyterrain of uncanny beauty. The scenery ist
At sunset we took a leisurely ride onan electric bus on the road by Aixi Lake.We saw through the window a carpet oflotuses on the lake, bordered by reedsand weeping willows and bamboos onits banks. It
W  ITH the modern worldchasing econo''mic growthand development whileattempting to balance the.
TODAY the Communist Part ofChina (CPC) is in contact withover 5oo political parties andorganizations in more than 160countries and regions, including manyin the developed world.
Editor''s note: Last April 17 U.S. officials came to the Center for U.S.
CHINA faces serious challenges as a latecom- er to the globalization process as regards its environment and ecological resources. The Chinese, along with people throughout the world, must now deal wit
HEFEI, capital of Anhui Province, is the site of the experiment that has defined the course of China’s development since the late 1970s. The household-based land contract system it invented heralded i
As its industry grows and living standards rise, China is encountering an inevitable increase in the consumption of resources, including energy, raising much national and international concern. It now
ALTHOUGH adjacent to the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, Hefei belongs to Central China and its economic development lags behind eastern coastal cities. Traditionally an agricultural area, with per