编写一部矿史有了可靠的史料,才能取信于当代,传之于后代.要做到这样,就要做好史料的征集、考辨和取舍工作. 一、征集史料的范围和广度与深度.史料来源有三:一是文献资料、二是口碑资料、三是实物资料.文献资料包括图书、档案,这是前人的遗产,是重要的资料来源.前人已经研究过的成果,我们要继承,这样就会收事半功倍之效果.因此,凡是有关的图书、档案,都应翻阅,建立资料目录及摘要卡片,根据需要选择使用.举
The preparation of a mine history with reliable historical materials, to gain the trust of the contemporary, passed on to future generations.To do this, we must do the collection of historical data, examination and selection of work.A collection of historical data scope and breadth and depth There are three sources of historical data: one is literature, the other is word of mouth, and the third is material information. The literature includes books and archives, which are the legacy of the predecessors and an important source of information. Therefore, all relevant books and archives should be read through to establish a catalog of information and a summary card, and choose to use it according to the needs.