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中国诗酒文化协会举办的这次研讨会,开得很好。通过上午参观君子谷野生水果世界有限公司和刚才听了大家的发言,我对创建全国生态文明酒企有了更深的认识。现在谈三点体会。一、开展创建生态文明酒企很有意义。生态文明建设的本质要求就是人与自然的协调发展,在发展过程中以人为本,实现全面协调可持续的发展,确保环境不受破坏,资源合理利用,以保护人类赖以生存的生态环境。保护好生态是生活在地球上的人的天职。各类生产企业在保护生态环境中更是责任重大。这些年来,我们的物质文明建设成果显著,但环境、资源破坏令人痛心。这几天一些地方连续重度雾霾就是自然对遭受破坏的回应。党和政府高度重视生态文明建设。党的十八届三中全会对生态文明建设作出了全面部署,提出了明确要求。我们对生态文明的建设必须抓得很紧。各类企业 This seminar organized by China Poetry and Wine Culture Association is very good. By visiting Gentleman Valley Wild Fruit World Limited in the morning and just listening to everyone’s speeches, I have gained a deeper understanding of creating a national ecological civilization and wine company. Now talk about three experience. First, to create a wine culture of ecological civilization makes sense. The essential requirement of the construction of ecological civilization is the coordinated development of man and nature. In the process of development, people-oriented approach is adopted to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development so as to ensure that the environment is not damaged and resources are rationally utilized to protect the ecological environment upon which human beings depend. Protecting the ecology is the vocation of people living on earth. All kinds of manufacturing enterprises in the protection of ecological environment is more responsible. Over the past years, we have made remarkable achievements in the building of a material civilization but the environment and the destruction of resources are painful. In recent days, the continuous heavy haze in some places is a natural response to the destruction. Party and government attach great importance to the construction of ecological civilization. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee made a comprehensive plan for the construction of ecological civilization and put forth specific requirements. We must grasp the construction of ecological civilization tightly. Various types of enterprises
一、听力理解 20%A)找出与你所听到的那个在意思上最接近的答案1.A.Someone finally washed the man’s car. B.The car got dirty last week. C.The man’s dirty car wasn
日照市东港区现有 5所普通高中 ,4 3所初中 ,12 3所完全小学 ,1所职业教育培训中心 ,公民办教师 9112人 ,在校中小学生 13.7万人。今年我区积极组织实施“实验教学普及工程”
天津博物馆馆藏砚品,品类丰富,自成系列,于全国而言,知名度高。《砚寓儒雅——中国古砚艺术陈列》从古砚的质地、工艺和其蕴含的特定文化内涵等方面展示了馆藏珍品。 Tianji
客套我有一个朋友 ,给我写信老爱讲客套话 ,诸如“欣闻你工作又出新成绩 ,可喜可贺!真是头敲钢板———当当响 ;鲤鱼跳龙门———身价百倍。可叹我竹竿钩月亮———差得远 ;
一、(共30分,1~9题,每题2分,10~13题,每题3分) 1.加“△”字的注音都正确的一项是()。 A.刹那间ch 骇人听闻hi △ △ B.挪近n 风靡人时m △ △ C.造诣zh 出类拔萃cu △ △ D.