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培养学生的能力,是历史教学的三项任务之一。而在诸种能力之中,思维能力又居于核心地位,它控制并制约着其他能力的发展,指挥并调节着其他能力的运用,是各种能力发展的基础。尤其是近年高考试题在考查学生所学历史知识的同时,注重考查学生的学科能力。这些学科能力归结到一点,即历史思维能力。因此,要使学生学好历史、考好历史,教师必须重视平时对学生历史思维能力的培养。但在具体实践中,不重视“双基”大搞题海战、不注重非智力因素只抓智力培养、不发挥学生的主体作用只强调教师的主导作用等等的片面做法制约着历史思维能力的培养,本文就历史思维能力培养的误区作一归类与探究。 Cultivating students’ abilities is one of the three tasks of history teaching. Among all kinds of abilities, the thinking ability is at the core. It controls and restrain the development of other abilities, and directing and regulating the application of other abilities is the basis for the development of various abilities. Especially in recent years college entrance examination exam questions in the historical knowledge of students at the same time, pay attention to examine the students’ academic abilities. The ability of these disciplines to boast that historical thinking ability. Therefore, in order for students to learn history well and test history well, teachers must pay attention to the training of students’ ability of thinking in history. However, in practical practice, one-sided practices that do not attach importance to the “Naval Warfare” and the non-intellectual factors that focus solely on intelligence training, do not play the main role of the student but only emphasize the leading role of teachers, etc., constrain the historical thinking Ability training, this article on the historical thinking ability to cultivate misunderstandings for a classification and exploration.
偏头痛的发作是神经化学事件级联激发的结果,靶向此级联中的一步或几步能获得较好的疗效。 The onset of migraine is the result of a cascade of neurochemical events th
患者 ,男 ,47岁 ,黑龙江鸡西人 ,工人。因剧烈腰痛 ,伴尿频 ,反复血尿 ,重度贫血 ,4个月来自觉乏力 ,有时黑便并于 4个月前随小便排出 1条虫体 ,长约 10cm ,5d前 ,再次自尿中排
将主炮长身管化 Semovente da75/18型突击炮是当时意大利装甲部队中火炮口径最大的一种自行火炮,具有很强的战斗力。但到了1942年,18倍口径的75毫米炮火力已经明显不足,无法
在那张初一时新年联欢会的小组合影中,前排右一是我。  上初中时,不少同学已经进入了青春叛逆期。他们形成了自己的小团体,开始对很多事物不以为然。他们笑话上课发言的人,打造新潮的发型,以请假、扮酷、耍小花招为乐,有些同学甚至以跟老师作对为时髦。  而我恰恰还体现着少年时期的单纯和朴素,方方面面呈现出一个“好少年”的特征。在这一点上,不少同学觉得我很幼稚、很迂、很傻、很嫩。为此,我受到了不少误解和嘲笑。
目的探讨MR I DW I在超急性期脑梗死诊断中的价值。方法收集33例发病时间