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在实验室对胜利炼油厂南、北两个催化裂化装置的油浆进行了结垢试验,在南催化裂化装置油浆系统中使用了阻垢剂,而北催化裂化装置未使用阻垢剂,以油浆试样中正庚烷不溶物描述油浆的结垢潜势,以甲苯不溶物表征油浆的结垢程度,研究了试验条件下油浆的结垢行为。试验结果表明,虽然南装置油浆的结垢潜在趋势大于北装置油浆,但由于前者使用了阻垢剂,故在较高温度下的结垢程度轻于后者。剖析了北催化裂化油浆换热器中的油垢,证明油垢主要由催化剂和油浆系统生成的“软焦”组成。结合油浆结垢行为研究和油垢剖析结果,讨论了催化裂化油浆系统的结垢机理和减少油浆系统结垢的措施 In the laboratory, the fouling test was carried out on the slurry of the two catalytic cracking units in the south and north of Shengli Refinery, the scale inhibitor in the slurry system of the south catalytic cracking unit, and the scale inhibitor in the northern catalytic cracking unit, The fouling potential of slurry was described by using n-heptane insoluble matter in slurry sample. The degree of fouling of slurry was characterized by toluene insolubles. The fouling behavior of slurry was studied. The test results show that although the potential fouling potential of the southern unit slurry is greater than that of the northern unit slurry, the scale fouling is higher at the higher temperature due to the former use of scale inhibitors. An analysis was made of the grease in the North Catalytic Cracking Slurry Heat Exchanger to demonstrate that the grease is mainly composed of “soft coke” generated by the catalyst and slurry system. Combining with the research on the scaling behavior of the oil slurry and the results of the grease profile analysis, the scaling mechanism of the FCC slurry system and the measures to reduce the scaling of the slurry system are discussed
作者在野外考察与室内综合研究的基础上 ,新建“杨林冲组”取代 1988年创建的坪原组作为冷家溪群最上部的地层单位 ,并将原大药姑组分解为两部分 ,分别划归震旦系下统洪江组
A 2D elastodynamic boundary element method (BEM) is used to solve multiple scattering of elastic waves. The method is based on the integral representation of a
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1.政策性积压。由于生态需要而政策上限制出售的,如农药有机氯、有机汞禁止在农田上使用。 2.改革动向看不清。由于农村产业结构调整要种大麦,而使刚从凤阳调入的5万公斤紫