“We Are Friends to Enterprises”

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Old name,new born As a matter of fact,Shanghai Pudong Chamber of International Commerce(Shanghai Pudong CCOIC) is very young,as young as we could call it a new born. In the aim of serving for member enterprises,Pudong CCOIC was founded on April 28 last year.However,the name of Pudong CCOIC is as long as Pudong CCPIT.“In the past years,the Pudong CCOIC was just a name. We mixed the function of CCOIC and CCPIT together. But the world develops so rapidly that it requires us to head for a professional service,”Chen Binghui,Chair- man of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai Pudong Sub-Council(Shanghai Pudong CCPIT)and Shanghai Pudong Chamber of International Commerce told China’s Foreign Trade.“We wonder if Old name, new born As a matter of fact, Shanghai Pudong Chamber of International Commerce (Shanghai Pudong CCOIC) is very young, as young as we could call it a new born. In the aim of serving for member enterprises, Pudong CCOIC was founded on April 28 last year. However, the name of Pudong CCOIC is as long as Pudong CCPIT. ”In the past years, the Pudong CCOIC was just a name. We mixed the function of CCOIC and CCPIT together. But the world develops so rapidly that it requires us to head for a professional service, “Chen Binghui, Chair- man of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai Pudong Sub-Council (Shanghai Pudong CCPIT) and Shanghai Pudong Chamber of International Commerce told China’s Foreign Trade . ”We wonder if
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[摘 要] 写话是培养小学低年级学生书面表达能力的重要内容和训练方式。在语文教育教学中应引导学生注重阅读,培养写话的兴趣;关注生活,积累写话的素材;说写结合,练习写话基本功。  [关 键 词] 小学生;写话能力;阅读  [中图分类号] H193.6 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2018)19-0109-01  寫话是培养低年级学生书面表达能力的重要内容和训练方式,重点是让