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王子元,字敬民,通渭白杨林人。曾任八路军游击司令。是陇右著名革命志士。王子元少年壮志,1926年在通渭县文庙小学上学时就发誓以身报国。他在日记中写道:“决心为国效劳。要平地一声雷,不成功,便成仁。”面对当时腐败的社会现实,他曾以为只有武力才能救中国。那时他心目中的英雄就是当时西北军首领、后来西安事变的领导人之一的杨虎城将军。1926年他毅然弃学到杨虎城部将张兆甲办的平凉讲武学堂去学习军事,学成后就到杨虎城在甘肃的代表邢肇堂部工作,帮助邢串联一些下层军队势力,一举赶走了盘踞兰州多年的反动军阀马麒军队,迎接杨虎城部孙蔚如进驻兰州。事成,杨虎城任命邢肇堂为甘肃清乡司令,王子元就任河西三地区司令,接着又任洮岷保安司令部参谋长、河西专员等职。1937年,抗日战争全面暴发。王子元时任陇南十四县保安大队长。他痛感天下兴亡,匹夫有责。作为军人当效死疆场、马革裹尸。这时他已知道国共两党合作的消息,就去拜会八路军驻兰办事处谢觉哉、伍修权等同志,主动接受党的领导和安排。在这里他学习了党的有关方针政策,不断接受谢觉哉、伍修权等同志的教诲,政治上靠近我们党。在谢觉哉、伍修 Prince Yuan, the word Jingmin, Tong Wei Yang Lin people. Former Eighth Route Army guerrilla commander. Longyou famous revolutionary lofty ideals. Prince as young aspirations, in 1926 in Tongwei County Primary School to school swear to declare the body. In his diary, he wrote: “Determined to serve the country, it must be done without any success.” In the face of the social reality of corruption at that time, he had thought that only armed force could save China. At that time, his hero was the General Yang Hucheng, then the leader of the Northwest Army and later the leader of the Xi’an Incident. In 1926, he decided to abandon the Yangling City Department’s Zhang Pingjao’s Ping Wu Wu Wu Xue Office to learn military affairs. After he studied, he went to Yang Zhaocheng, a representative of Xing Zhaotang Department in Gansu, to help Xing to tie in with some lower-level army forces and in one fell swoop away Lanzhou Ma Qi, the reactionary warlord army, welcomes Yang Wei, a member of Yang Hu City Department, to Lanzhou. As a matter of fact, Yang Hsiu-hsien appointed Xing Zhaotang as commander of Gansu Qingxiang and Wang Ziyuan as Commander of the Hexi Three Territories, and then as Chief of Staff of the Security Command of He Min Min and Commissioner of the Hexi Corps. In 1937, the anti-Japanese war broke out in full swing. Prince Yuan Ren Longnan fourteen county security team leader. He pains to rise and fall, each responsible. As a soldier when the battle dead, the horse wrapped corpse. At this moment, he knew of the cooperation between the KMT and the CPC and went to visit the Eighth Route Army and Zimbabwe Offices XIE Juezai and Ng Xiuquan. They took the initiative to accept the party’s leadership and arrangements. Here he studied the party’s principles and policies and continuously accepted the teachings of Xie Juezai, Wu Xiuquan and other comrades and is politically close to our party. Thanks Juezai, Wu Xiu
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