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一、奋斗目标 科技总体水平达到发达国家八十年代末的水平;科技进步因素在全区经济增长中的比重达到55%以上,农业先进适用综合技术推广应用达到国内领先水平,主要农作物优良品种覆盖率达99%以上,新技术、新成果推广率达95%以上,工业产业、产品结构趋向合理,技术和装备水平明显提高,50%的主要工业产品质量、性能达到世界发达国家八十年代末水平;高新技术产业产值率达20%左右;各类科技人员达到20000人以上;建成临淄科技大厦,并充分发挥其功能。 二、主要任务 1、深化科技体制改革,大力发展科技事业。到2000年,全区民营科技组织发展到40家,建立起临淄常设技术市场。 I. Objectives The overall level of science and technology has reached the level of the developed countries in the late 1980s; the proportion of scientific and technological progress in the region’s economic growth has reached more than 55%; advanced and comprehensive agricultural technologies have been applied and promoted to reach the advanced level in the country, covering the fine varieties of major crops The rate of new technology and new achievement is more than 95%. The industrial structure and product structure tend to be reasonable, and the level of technology and equipment is obviously improved. The quality and performance of 50% of the major industrial products have reached the level of 50% in developed countries in the world in the late 1980s Level; high-tech industry output rate of about 20%; various types of scientific and technological personnel to reach more than 20,000 people; built Linzi Science and Technology Building, and give full play to its function. Second, the main task 1, deepen the reform of science and technology system, vigorously develop science and technology. By 2000, the number of private scientific and technical organizations in the region has grown to 40 and the permanent technical market in Linzi has been established.
本刊讯 1月13日晚,北京京瑞饭店二楼宴会厅,欢声笑语,正面墙上—个硕大的金色“寿”字,使整个宴会厅充满着喜庆的气氛。中国篮协在这里为我国篮坛泰斗、本刊老主编牟作云先
若不是新闻不断,拜仁俱乐部怎会享有“德甲好莱坞”的称号。前一阵子关于卡恩婚外恋的新闻几乎贴满了慕尼黑的所有啤酒杯,现在,关于队中领袖之争又再起风云。 无论在俱乐部或