尘封档案 ABA联盟遣散30周年祭之六

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1972-73赛季的ABA精彩纷呈,同样也是趣味几多:印第安纳步行者的夺冠,让联盟出现了首支卫冕冠军球队,由此引出了火爆教头鲍勃·莱昂纳德,这位功勋教练的在球场上怒发冲冠,一脚踢飞篮球的壮举,因为卫冕成功而传为趣话;同样圣安东尼奥马刺的首位巨星“冰人”格文作为新秀在ABA亮相。这位日后的得分机器,在次年便卷入一桩球员买卖纠纷。此桩公案的裁定,无论对于马刺,还是格文本人的意义都非同小可;ABA与NBA二者之间,永远存在竞争与平衡。球员流通就是一例:1972-73赛季坎宁安加盟ABA,他所创造的神奇让人叹为观止:坎宁安仅仅用一个赛季,就做到了只手遮天。这些人见证了两支联盟的文化优劣。 The ABA 1972-73 season is also full of fun and equally interesting: Indiana Pacers won the league’s first defending championship team, which led to the hot coach Bob Leonard, the feats coach ’S feat on the court and his kick-off to fly the basketball feat for the success of the title defense; the same San Antonio Spurs’ first star, “Iceman” Gerwyn, appeared on the ABA as a rookie. The scoring machine in the future, in the following year involved in a player trading dispute. This pile of cases of the ruling, whether for the Spurs, or the meaning of the German cell itself is trivial; ABA and the NBA, there will always be competition and balance. One example is the player’s circulation: Cunningham joined the ABA in the 1972-73 season and the magic he created was amazing: Cunningham did nothing in just one season. These people have witnessed the cultural superiority and inferiority of the two alliances.
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