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通过主席著作的学习,我们深深体会到,教师思想的革命化必须落实于教学改革工作,落实于教学过程的各个环节。学校自开展教学改革以来,遵照主席的教导,着重对“少而精”、“启发式”的教学进行了一些探索。但由于指导思想不对头,教学工作中存在着严重的主观主义和形式主义,课堂教学受旧框框的束缚,学生作业负担仍没减轻,学习成绩不能提高,其主要原因就是没有以毛主席的思想、观点、方法指导教改,存在有单纯为教改而教改的倾向。学习了“矛盾论”,认识到事物发展的根本原因不在事物的外部,而是在事物的内部,在于事物的矛盾性,外因是变化的条件,内因是变化的根据,外因通过内因而起作用。要搞好教改,其首要条件不在于教学 Through the study of Chairman’s writings, we deeply understood that the revolution in teachers’ thinking must be implemented in the teaching reform work and implemented in all aspects of the teaching process. Since the school started teaching reforms, following the chairman’s teachings, it has focused on exploring “less and refined” and “heuristic” teaching. However, because the guiding ideology is not correct, there is a serious subjectivism and formalism in teaching work. Classroom teaching is bound by the old frame, the burden of student work has not been reduced, and the academic achievements cannot be improved. The main reason is that there is no Chairman Mao’s thinking. Opinions, methods, and methods of teaching reform have the tendency to teach and reform simply for education reform. Learned the “paradox theory” and realized that the root cause of the development of things is not in the exterior of things, but in the interior of things, lies in the contradiction of things, the external cause is the condition of change, the internal cause is the basis of change, and the external cause passes through . To do a good job in education reform, its primary condition is not teaching.
丁(Tinca tinca)又名欧洲丁鱼,地方名黑鱼,隶属于鲤科,雅罗鱼亚科,丁属,是原产于欧洲大陆的一种古老鱼种,在我国新疆额尔齐斯河流域有一定分布,适温范围0~37℃,是淡水底
1997年3~10月,我科行经尿道前列腺电汽化电切除术(TUVP)25例,出血及并发症少,术后主客观症状得到改善,有效率96%,报告如下:1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料本组25例,年龄50~92岁,平均74.4岁。尿潴留8例,膀胱造瘘2例。合并肾功能
1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料对前列腺增生超过50g不宜行TuRp者;合并慢性疾病或凝血功能较差者;膀胱颈硬化症及膀胱前列腺慢性炎症术中易出血者,作为本术式的选择对象,计40例,