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在不牺牲发展的前提下,保护湖泊环境是世界普遍追求,也是中国政府落实科学发展观的重要体现。多学科、跨部门集成技术--沼气工程应运而生。建立在长期理论思考和生产实践的基础上,作者在文中概述了沼气在污染的源头、过程和末端治理中发挥的重要作用,同时介绍了沼气的经济社会功能。源头治理包括农村、城市、农业、工业各个方面,比如畜禽粪便、人粪尿、有机垃圾、工业有机污染治理;过程治理包括可再生能源-沼气的利用对化石能污染的控制,沼渣沼液的利用对化学肥料和农药污染的控制;末端治理包括对太湖捞后蓝藻的资源化利用、无害化处理。沼气的经济社会功能,体现在能够减轻农村贫困,不仅能为为弱势群体增加就业机会和收入,还能为企业带来经济效益。在分析国内外沼气发展现状与趋势的基础上,作者提出了加大研究力度,提高沼气产品档次;将沼气和城市垃圾分类相结合、和清洁发展机制(CDM)相结合、切实做好综合利用四点促进沼气发展的建议。 Under the premise of not sacrificing development, protecting the lake environment is a universal pursuit in the world and an important manifestation of the Chinese government’s implementation of the scientific concept of development. Multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral integration technology - biogas project came into being. Based on long-term theoretical thinking and production practice, the author outlines the important role biogas plays in the source, process and end-of-treatment of pollution, and at the same time introduces the economic and social functions of biogas. Source governance includes all aspects of rural, urban, agricultural and industrial sectors such as livestock and poultry manure, human waste, organic waste and industrial organic pollution control; process control including renewable energy - control of biogas utilization on fossil fuels, Liquid utilization of chemical fertilizers and pesticide pollution control; end of governance, including the recovery of Taihu Lake blue-green resource utilization, harmless treatment. The economic and social functions of biogas are reflected in the ability to reduce rural poverty, which can not only increase employment opportunities and income for disadvantaged groups, but also bring economic benefits to the enterprise. Based on the analysis of the status quo and trends of biogas development both at home and abroad, the author proposes to increase research efforts and improve the grade of biogas products. By combining biogas with municipal solid waste classification and CDM, we should make comprehensive and effective utilization Four points to promote biogas development proposals.
<正>《最寒冷的冬天》(The Coldest- Winter,Amateurs,2007)是关于朝鲜战争的一本新书,作者戴维·哈尔伯斯坦姆是美国的近代历史读物老牌作家,其力作《出类拔萃之辈》(The Be
【正】 省教育厅、泉州市人民政府:省教育厅闽教发[2004]32号文悉。根据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》、《中华人民共和国民办教育促进法》、原国家教委《民办高等学校设置暂
【正】 省海洋与渔业局:你局《关于上报审批刘常爱海域使用申请的请示》(闽海渔[2003]321号)文悉。根据《中华人民共和国海域使用管理法》等有关法律、法规的规定,经研究,同
【正】 莆田市人民政府:《关于莆田市2003年度第三十一批次城市建设用地的请示》(莆政土[2003]353号)收悉。经研究,现批复如下:一、同意为实施荔城区土地利用总体规划,将荔城