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  The Pianist is a 2002 historical drama film co-produced and directed by Roman Polanski, scripted1 by Ronald Harwood and starring Adrien Brody.
  It is based on the autobiographical2 book The Pianist, a World War II memoir3 by the Polish-Jewish pianist and composer Wadysaw Szpilman.
  The film is a co-production between United Kingdom, France, Germany and Poland. It met with significant critical praise and received multiple4 awards and nominations5.
  Wladyslaw Szpilman was known as the most accomplished6 piano player in all of Poland, if not Europe, in the 1930s. At the outbreak of the Second World War, however, Szpilman becomes subject to the anti-Jewish laws imposed by the conquering Germans.
  By the start of the 1940s, Szpilman has seen his world go from piano concert halls to the Jewish Ghetto of Warsaw and then must suffer the tragedy of his family deported7 to a German concentration camps, while Szpilman is conscripted8 into a forced German Labor Compound.
  Living in fear and survival guilt, he encounters9 many near-death experiences and must rely on the courage of others to stay alive. Enthralled10 by the pianist’s ability, one such model was Nazi Captain Wilm Hosenfeld who fed and kept his existence a secret.
  The Second World War eventually broke down and The Pianist’s main character would become a successful musician.
  [1] script vt. 把……改编为剧本
  [2] autobiographical adj. 自传的;自传体的
  [3] memoir n. 回忆录
  [4] multiple adj. 多重的;多样的;许多的
  [5] nomination n. 任命,提名
  [6] accomplished adj. 熟练的,有技巧的;有修养的
  [7] deport vt. 驱逐出境;放逐
  [8] conscript vt. 征召
  [9] encounter vt. 遭遇
  [10] enthrall vt. 迷住,使着迷
【阅读理解分类练习参考答案】  应用文: passage 1 1~5 BACCA passage 2 1~5 ABCBC  说明文: passage 1 1~5 BADCD passage 2 1~5 ADCBC  记叙文: passage 1 1~5 CACBA passage 2 1~5 BADCB  议论文: passage 1 1~5 DBABC passage 2 1~5 CCAAB  
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The first of April is commonly known as April Fools’ Day and it is customarily1 on this day to play a trick on a friend. You can do this by making your friend believe something that isn’t true, or by
一  六年级的时候,蚂蚁和我同校,他在一班,我在三班。到了初中,居然和蚂蚁分在一个班,但我们彼此还很陌生。  在领新书的时候,我无意中走过蚂蚁身边,竟听到他低声叫我的名字。我奇怪地转身看他。  也许,这就算认识了吧?    二  和同桌萍、和蚂蚁逐渐熟悉起来后,才隐约听说,萍曾和蚂蚁是同一个班的。又不知是谁添油加醋,传到我耳里,就成了“蚂蚁喜欢萍”。  我既好笑又失望,原来初中和小学一样流言蜚语总
My Little Dog Can’t Read 我的狗不识字  Mrs. Brown: Oh, my dear, I have lost my  precious little dog!  Mrs. Smith: But you should put an advertisement in the papers!  Mrs. Brown: It’s no use. My little dog  
一、完形填空(共15个小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。  Old Henry and his wife Phoebe loved one another. They were simple 1 . Their world was their fruit trees, cornfields and a backyar
【中考英语阅读理解专项精练参考答案】  (一) 1~5 DBDDC  (二) 1~5 BCAAC  (三) 1~5 BCBAA  (四) 1~5 CABAB  (五) 1~5 CACDD  (六) 1~5 CBACA  (七) 1~5 CDABD  【中考英语备考语篇阅读强化训练参考答案】  1~5 BBDBB6~10 DACAA11~15 BCCBC  16~20 DACBC 21~25 CDC