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消费是推动经济增长的根本动力,随着改革开放,我国经济飞速发展,近十年来我国的GDP增长率维持在8%以上,然而与投资和净出口相比,消费在GDP中的比重在逐年下降,增长速度相对缓慢。据世界银行统计我国储蓄率远远高于世界平均水平,这充分反映了我国的消费潜力大、国内需求不足。我国“十二五”规划提出将转变经济发展方式作为我国经济建设的主要任务,从主要依靠投资、出口拉动向依靠消费、投资、出口协调拉动转变,着力扩大内需。迅速建立和健全社会保障体系,将以居民消费为主的潜在内需转化为现实购买力,是扩大内需之关键。为评估医疗保险对居民消费的作用,本文选取近十年来居民医疗保险支出、居民可支配收入、居民最终消费等数据,从医疗保险对居民消费水平、消费结构和消费倾向等三个方面进行描述统计,并利用计量统计模型探究医疗保险对居民消费的影响,得出如下结论:社会医疗保险支出对消费水平的增长有促进作用,在长期中,社会医疗保障体系的完善将有力促进消费需求的稳定增长。 Consumption is the fundamental driving force for economic growth. With the reform and opening up, China’s economy has developed rapidly. In the past 10 years, China’s GDP growth rate has remained at above 8%. However, compared with investment and net exports, the share of consumption in GDP has been increasing year by year Decline, the growth rate is relatively slow. According to the statistics of the World Bank, the savings rate in our country is much higher than the world average, which fully reflects the great consumption potential of our country and insufficient domestic demand. China’s “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” put forward the transformation of the mode of economic development as the main task of China’s economic construction. We will strive to expand domestic demand by relying mainly on investment, export-led and coordinated reliance on consumption, investment and export. The rapid establishment and improvement of the social security system and the conversion of the potential domestic demand, mainly consumer spending, into real purchasing power are the keys to expanding domestic demand. In order to evaluate the effect of medical insurance on residents’ consumption, this paper selects the data of residents’ medical insurance expenditures, residents disposable income and residents’ final consumption in the recent ten years, and describes the consumption level, consumption structure and consumption propensity from medical insurance Statistics, and use of statistical models to explore the impact of medical insurance on household consumption, come to the following conclusion: Expenditure on social health insurance to promote the growth of consumption levels in the long run, the improvement of social health insurance system will strongly promote consumer demand Steady growth.