,Reversible and Reproducible Giant Universal Electroresistance Effect

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:RRR6670
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After the prediction of the giant electroresistance effect,much work has been carried out to find this effect in practical devices.We demonstrate a novel way to obtain a large electroresistance (ER) effect in the multilayer system at room temperature.The current-in-plane (CIP) electric transport measurement is performed on the multilayer structure consisting of (011)-Pb(Mg1/3 Nb2/3) O3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT)/Ta/Al-O/metal.It is found that the resistance of the top metallic layer shows a hysteretic behavior as a function electric field,which corresponds well with the substrate polarization versus electric field (P-E) loop.This reversible hysteretic R-E behavior is independent of the applied magnetic field as well as the magnetic structure of the top metallic layer and keeps its memory state.This novel memory effect is attributed to the polarization reversal induced electrostatic potential,which is felt throughout the multilayer stack and is enhanced by the dielectric Al-O layer producing unique hysteretic,reversible,and reproducible resistance switching behavior.This novel universal electroresistance effect will open a new gateway to the development of future multiferroic memory devices operating at room temperature.Recently,scientific development has witnessed the increasing interest in ferroelectric materials owing to their potential use as binary data storage media in non-volatile random access memory.[1,2] Ferroelectrics provide a class of polar materials which possess electrically switchable spontaneous polarization,making them suitable candidates for practical applications.[3]
We present a spectroscopic investigation of molecular nitrogen using a self-resonating co-axial dielectric barrier plasma reactor.The properties of the nitrogen
摘 要:随着钢铁冶炼的技术发展和轧制技术的不断提升,我国的冷轧宽带钢轧机的建设越来越好,冷轧产品的品种也越来越多,所以人们冷軋产品的质量和强度要求也越来越高。作为横切线的主要设备,矫直机对冷轧带钢产业的改善起到了重要作用。随着它的日益完善,矫直工艺模型的结构形式和配置更合理了,广泛应用横切线矫直机的和对其进行思路优化设计是当前的目标,为此本文对横切线矫直机的应用与优化设计思路进行探析。  关键词:
摘 要:在现在的各种比赛中都能看见抢答器的身影,抢答器的设计与使用都受到使用环境的很大限制。本文中将优化传统抢答器的设计思路,不仅具有传统的抢答功能,还同时兼具及时和报警的功能。同时也采用的Access数据库技术,使得使用者可以直接对题库进行更改。使抢答器变得更加智能化,美化人机交互界面。  关键词:抢答器;计算机;数据库  抢答器主要应用在各种比赛当中,而传统的抢答器大多是由纯数字电路或单片机制
摘 要:CRH3型动车组运行过程中出现相关故障情况,本文针对24E6故障进行故障数据检查、相关故障点、原理分析、相关案例几个方面进行介绍。  关键词:数据;原理;案例  1 CRH3型动车组数据  (1)CCU数据:  24E6h:TCU:main switch defective  (2)TCU环境数据:  查看3车TCU环境数据发现3车报24E6时,3车TCU监控7车主断路器闭合与断开的状态均
Within an extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model including impurity interactions,the dynamical process of exciton dissociation in the presence of an exteal electri
摘 要:变电设备是供电系统中的核心环节,变电设备涉及变压器、断路器、电压互感器、避雷器以及监控系统等。变电设备一旦发生故障,将直接影响供电系统的稳定性和可靠性。因此,在供电系统中,应该加强对变电设备故障的分析工作,分析故障的不同成因,采取针对性地管理工作。  关键词:变电设备;缺陷分析;管理  变电设备的缺陷虽然并不影响供电系统的工作性能,但却威胁供电系统的稳定性与可靠性,同时对于供电系统的整体安
Elliptic flow v2 is considered as a probe to study partonic collectivity,and the measurement v2/e can be used to describe the hydro behavior of the colliding sy
摘 要:文章通过分析列车运行记录装置的结构运用特点及性能,总结多年的运用经验,对其进行优化。通过保证系统程序运行正常、保证电子盘容量、保证电源板输出电压稳定等措施。优化列车运行记录装置的应用。  关键词:内燃机车;列车运行;监控记录装置;电子盘  列车运行监控记录装置在宣钢内燃机车上的应用有了相当的规模,可列车运行监控记录装置故障严重影响列车运行监控记录装置的应用,干部职工的管理意识和工作意识跟不