Study on Cure Behavior of a Model Epoxy System by Means of TTT Diagram

来源 :材料工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jxgalcj
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Curing behavior of a model epoxies system (E-54/AG-80) with DDS as hardener was studied in this paper. Round disk compression mode DMA was executed to study the gel behaviors at different temperatures to determine the relationship between gel-time (t_ gel) and temperature. The cure kinetics was studied by dynamic DSC analysis. Parameters were obtained for establishing a phenomenological cure reaction model. The relationship between glass transition temperature (T_g) and cure degree (α) was also analyzed by both isothermal and dynamic DSC method based on DiBenedetto equation, which gave a mathematical description of T_g as a function of both time and temperature. Consequently, characteristic temperatures such as T_ g0, gelT_ g and T_ g∞ were determined. Finally, the Time-Temperature-Transition (TTT) diagram was designed based on the data and equations. Curing behavior of a model epoxies system (E-54 / AG-80) with DDS as hardener was studied in this paper. Round disk compression mode DMA was executed to study the gel behaviors at different temperatures to determine the relationship between gel-time ( The relationship between glass transition temperature (T_g) and cure degree (α) was also analyzed by both isothermal and dynamic The method of based on DiBenedetto equation, which gave a mathematical description of T_g as a function of both time and temperature. Thus, the characteristic temperatures such as T_g0, gelT_g and T_g∞ were determined. Finally, the Time-Temperature-Transition TTT) diagram was designed based on the data and equations.
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