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写作是高中英语教学的一项重要内容,通过写作,不仅能巩固所学的语言知识,还能达到与人交流的目的,是一种重要的交际手段,在高考英语中也占有一定的分量。然而,英语写作在高中英语学习与教学中一直处于一种“教师难教,学生不会写”的尴尬境地中。这是因为英语写作考查了学生多方面的语言综合应用能力,它既要求有较强的语言功底,又要求有用英语思考和表达的能力,还要求有丰富的想象力和创造力,是四项技能中难度最大的一个。只有找到了有效的指导学生写作的策略和方法,才能让学生会 Writing is an important part of high school English teaching. Writing not only consolidates the knowledge of the language it learns, but also achieves the purpose of communicating with others. It is an important means of communication and it also occupies a certain weight in college entrance examination English. However, English writing has always been in the awkward position of “teachers are hard to teach, students can not write” in high school English learning and teaching. This is because the English writing examines students’ comprehensive linguistic application abilities. It requires both strong language skills and the ability to think and express in English, as well as rich imagination and creativity. One of the most difficult skills. Only by finding effective strategies and methods to guide students’ writing can students be able to meet
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农户住房的顶楼板交接处如果出现裂缝,用常规的方法难以彻底修补好,很让人头痛。这里向您介绍一种方便而行之有 If there is a crack in the top floor board of the farme