一位日本籍旅客因路费有限一时陷入困境,但在南京港购船票时得到客运人员的特殊服务,使其得以顺利地登轮旅行。 1995年9月24日下午,一位外籍旅客来到客运总站票务室要求购票乘船,由于语言不通,那人叽哩哇啦说出的话谁也听不懂。从其出示的旅行身份证件看,那位外籍旅客是日本人,名叫小林太郎。只见他个头不高,黑黝黝的脸庞,着装一般,丝毫看
A Japanese passenger was in trouble for a limited fee, but he was given special passenger service by the time of ticket purchase in Nanjing Port, enabling him to board the plane on a smooth journey. On the afternoon of September 24, 1995, a foreign traveler came to the Ticket Office of the Passenger Terminal and asked for a ticket to take a boat. Because of the language barrier, no one could understand anyone who jumped into the air. From the travel identification documents she presented, the foreign traveler was a Japanese named Taro Kobayashi. I saw him not tall, swarthy face, dress in general, the slightest look