Application of Projection Pursuit Evaluation Model Based on Real-Coded Accelerating Genetic Algorith

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A new technique of dimension reduction named projection pursuit is applied to model and evaluate wetland soil quality variations in the Sanjiang Plain, Helongjiang Province, China. By adopting the improved real-coded accelerating genetic algorithm (RAGA), the projection direction is optimized and multidimensional indexes are converted into low-dimensional space. Classification of wetland soils and evaluation of wetland soil quality variations are realized by pursuing optimum projection direction and projection function value. Therefore, by adopting this new method, any possible human interference can be avoided and sound results can be achieved in researching qua,lity changes and classification of wetland soils. A new technique of dimension reduction named projection pursuit is applied to model and evaluate wetland soil quality variations in the Sanjiang Plain, Helongjiang Province, China. By adopting the improved real-coded accelerating genetic algorithm (RAGA), the projection direction is optimized and multidimensional indexes of converted into low-dimensional space. Classification of wetland soils and evaluation of wetland soil quality variations are realized by pursuing optimum projection direction and projection function value. Thus, by adopting this new method, any possible human interference can be avoided and sound results can be achieved in researching qua, lity changes and classification of wetland soils.
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相干光自适应光学技术(COAT)不仅具有补偿系统本身及外界产生的相位畸变的功能,而且可以锁定、跟踪在视场中运动的目标,因而可用作高精度寻的跟踪系统。 本文采用相位共轭CO
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