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我国第1台65t/h燃用油页岩的CFB锅炉在吉林桦甸热电厂投运。它是半塔式中温中压分离低倍率循环锅炉,系上海锅炉厂设计制造。除省煤器和空气预热器外,其它受热面即高低温过热器、对流受热面和水冷壁等都布置在炉膛内。该炉炉膛高28m,超出一般CFB锅炉甚多。油页岩不同于煤,它含有大量的碳酸盐,在受热分解时,改变了油页岩的发热量和烟气生成量,对锅炉受热面的布置影响甚大。目前,桦甸的65t/h炉和一般75t/h燃煤CFB锅炉相比:受热面为5100/3280=1.56倍,炉膛容积为344/289.6=1.19倍,锅炉效率要少89.37%-85.49%=3.88%。如何进一步研究油页岩的燃烧性能?如何降低油页岩CFB锅炉的制造成本等,仍是油页岩CFB锅炉大型化的主攻课题,其它如油页岩燃烧时空间的放热分布,烟气量和烟气成分,颗粒变化及油页岩的扬析和磨损等问题都有待研究。 China’s first 65t / h oil shale CFB boiler put into operation in Jilin Huadian Thermal Power Plant. It is a half-tower medium temperature and pressure separation of low-rate circulation boiler, the Department of Shanghai Boiler Factory design and manufacturing. In addition to economizer and air preheater, the other heated surface that is high and low temperature superheater, convection heating surface and water wall are arranged in the furnace. The furnace hearth height 28m, many more than the average CFB boiler. Different from coal, oil shale contains a large amount of carbonate, which changes the heating value of oil shale and the amount of flue gas generated when it is heated and decomposed, which has a great influence on the layout of heating surface of boiler. At present, compared with the general 75t / h coal-fired CFB boiler, the 65t / h boiler in Huadian has a heating capacity of 5100/3280 = 1.56 times and a furnace volume of 344 / 289.6 = 1.19 times, with a boiler efficiency of 89.37% -85.49% = 3.88%. How to further study the combustion performance of oil shale? How to reduce the manufacturing cost of oil shale CFB boiler, oil shale CFB boiler is still the main issue of large-scale, such as the oil shale combustion space when the heat distribution, flue gas Volume and flue gas composition, particle changes and oil shale Yang analysis and wear and other issues to be studied.
蒸压加气砼砌块具有重量轻、隔音、隔热保温、耐火、抗震等性能,并有可锯、钉、刨、镂槽的特点,替代传统的粘土砖,可增大使用面积,降低造价,方便施工。 深圳市中航33、34号
Highly luminescent CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals were obtained by adapting non-TOP-based synthesis and a subsequent two-phase ZnS shelling procedure:the core CdSe nanoc
夏天喝上一罐冰镇饮料、打赤膊、痛痛快快地冲个凉水澡……很多人觉得只要够冰、够裸、够凉就能解暑,这一味贪凉的方法科学吗?  冷饮还是热饮?夏天温度高,喝一些冰水能够暂时缓解中暑症状,但温度过冰,会造成头痛、胃不舒服等一系列症状。选择热饮还是冷饮应该因人而异。对于胃不好的人,最好选择温热的饮品,它能促使汗腺舒张排汗、散热,切忌食用过多的冰棒、雪糕。虽然在天热的情况下,冰棒、雪糕能吸收体内热量临时降温,