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  难度星级__★★__建议做题时间 18 分钟
  Daniel Henney had a tough childhood growing up as a mixed-race child in a small US town. He____ 1____with other children twice a week because they make fun of his family. His mum is Korean and his father, British-American.
  Today,____ 2__ , his cross-cultural appeal is sending him to the____ 3____of Asian pop culture. That’s____ 4____he appeared in hit Korean dramas like “My Name Is Kim Sam
  Soon”, a romantic comedy film “Seducing Mr. Perfect”, and many____ 5__ .
  “The childhood knocks and wounds helps____ 6____my character,” said Henney, 27, from Carson City, Michigan.
  7____becoming a model, Henney said he was a quiet boy who loved basketball. His passion for sport and his____ 8____got him a basketball schorlarship at the Uniersity of Illinois in Chicago. He also got a degree in business____ 9____and a minor in theatre.
  “I used to be____10____to speak in front of people, so I decided to____11____communication as a major,” he said.
  Henney’s modeling____12____started in the US in the summer of 2002 by accident. An agent saw him in a parking lot, where he was waiting in a car for his friend to come out of an audition.
  Henney has found being a Korean-American star in__ 13____is, in fact, a double-edged sword.
  His cross-cultural appeal, good looks and education are a big plus. But the language____14____often leaves him with minor roles despite his working knowledge of Korean.
  “It’s very____15__ . Because no matter how confident you are as a person, how strong, language is one thing that can____16____you,” he said.
  “I have no problem speaking Korean with my friends on the phone, but ... when I speak Korean on TV or film, the entire nation is watching and listening____17__ . It makes me
  18__ .”
  He doesn’t hesitate to share his____19____childhood despite the risk of hurting his Mr. Perfect____20__ .
  “I think that it’s a longevity(寿命) thing. If you are a liar, people can see that. Fans can see through that.”
  1. A. played B. fought C. went D. helped
  2. A. therefore B. otherwise
  C. but D. however
  3. A. top B. tip C. bottom __ D. back
  4. A. what B. when
  C. because D. how
  5. A. advertisements B. films
  C. dramas D. games
  6. A. make B. build C. show D. exercise
  7. A. When B. While C. After D. Before
  8. A. character B. height
  C. appeal D. weight
  9. A. career B. major
  C. communication D. work
  10. A. scared B. ready
  C. excited D. surprised
  11. A. regard B. consider
  C. take D. think of
  12. A. career B. show
  C. experience D. job
  13. A. Asia B. America
  C. Africa D. Europe
  14. A. influence B. barrier
  C. help D. importance
  15. A. difficult B. easy
  C. interesting D. helpful
  16. A. destroy B. worry
  C. help D. stop
  17. A. carelessly B. patiently
  C. attentively D. proudly
  18. A. nervous B. proud C. happy D. sad
  19. A. happy B. troubled
  C. puzzled D. sad
  20. A. look B. show C. appeal D. image
  答案速查: BDACA
  本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了亚洲明星Daniel Henney 的成功经历。儿时的挫折造就了他坚强的性格。
  1. 注意后面原因状语提示的意思。 2. 注意第一段和第二段的关系。 3. 注意固定搭配及下文提示。4. why为什么;when表时间;because表示直接原因,常用于回答why的提问;how怎样。5. 注意many后没有other,因此不能和前面重复。 6. 固定搭配。7. 注意体会时间关系。 8. 对于一个篮球队员来说,身高是很重要的。 9. 注意下文提示。10. 注意前文he was a quiet boy以及后文提示。11. regard (consider / think of) ... as认为; take ... as当作。12. career生涯;职业、事业; show演出,节目;experience经历,经验;job工作。13. 注意后文提示,Henney主要是在韩国演出。14. 注意后文leave him with minor roles和下一段内容。15. 注意no matter how所提示的语气。 16. 从后文可知Henney在韩国表演时,语言是障碍。17、18. 注意but前后意思的对比。19. 注意联系第一段:Henney had a tough childhood。 20. look外表;show表演;appeal吸引力;image(心目中的)形象。
  难度星级★★建议做题时间__15__分钟 正确数__________
  Weakness Or Strength
  Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength. Take, for example, the story of one boy who decided to study judo(柔道)____ 1____the fact that he had lost his____ 2____in a car accident.
  The boy began lessons with an old Japanese judo master. The boy was doing__ 3__, but he couldn’t understand____ 4__ , after three months of training, the master had taught him only one move(招数).
  “Sensei,” the boy finally said, “____5____I be learning more moves?”
  Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy____ 6____training.
  Several months later, the sensei took the boy to his____ 7____ tournament(联赛).____8____himself, the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, his opponent became____ 9____and charged; the boy skillfully used his one move to____10____the match. Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the finals.
  This time, his opponent was____11____and more experienced. Soon the____12____appeared to be overmatched.____ 13____ the boy might get__14__ , the referee would call a time-out. He was about to stop the match____15____the sensei stopped it.
  “No,” the sensei insisted, “Let him__16 __.”
  Soon after the match renewed, his opponent made a deadly mistake: he____17____his guard. Instantly, the boy used his move to beat him.
  On the way home, the boy and sensei
  18____every move in every match. Then the boy gathered the____19____to ask his master, “Sensei, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”
  “Two reasons,” the sensei answered. “First, you’ve____20____mastered one of the most difficult throws. Second, your opponent always failed to grab your left arm.”
  1. A. considering B. for
  C. despite D. though
  2. A. right arm B. left arm
  C. right leg D. left leg
  3. A. poorly B. badly C. hardly D. well
  4. A. why B. how C. that D. what
  5. A. Mustn’t B. Shouldn’t
  C. Haven’t D. Wouldn’t
  6. A. stopped B. resisted
  C. kept D. hated
  7. A. first B. second C. third D. final
  8. A. Finding B. Moving
  C. Wondering D. Surprising
  9. A. uncomfortable B. injured
  C. impatient D. excited
  10. A. win B. lose C. defeat D. beat
  11. A. much fatter B. more excited
  C. stronger D. more skillful
  12. A. opponent B. boy
  C. sensei D. referee
  13. A. Concerning B. Believing in
  C. Supposing D. Cared
  14. A. angry B. lost C. hurt D. tired
  15. A. when B. while C. which D. how
  16. A. stop B. lose C. train D. continue
  17. A. fell__ B. dropped __C. wore __D. put on
  18. A. reviewed B. remembered
  C. reminded D. restored
  19. A. information B. strength
  C. courage D. energy
  20. A. never B. almost C. seldom D. hardly
  答案速查: CBDAB
  1. 注意though 与despite表“虽然”的区别,前者是连词后者是介词。2. 要善于从文章本身里面寻找答案。 3. 注意前后是转折关系。 4. 注意是一省略句。 5. 注意是反诘语气的疑问句。 6. 注意前后句的语意联系。7. 注意常识。 8. 注意句中的easily。 9. 注意and前后并列的词一般在语意等方面应一致。10. 注意动词辨微。11. 注意and前后并列的词一般在语意等方面应一致但不能重复。12. 注意前后文的联系推理。13. 裁判不仅要对比赛负责也会关心爱护运动员。14. 要知道柔道比赛是身体冲突很激烈的比赛。15. 注意when除了有“当什么时候”的意思外还有“这时”的意思。16. 注意行文语意逻辑推理。17. 小男孩的对手犯了一致命错误,将护具会怎么样呢?18. 注意动词辨微。19. 注意名词辨析。向别人发问需要鼓足力气还是勇气呢?20. 将选项分类也是很好的一种解题技巧:如其中3个为一类,剩下的单独为一类,则单独构成一类的很有可能是正确答案。
  1. B。 孩子们嘲笑他的家庭,他因此常和他们打架。
  2. D。这种混血的出身,小时侯使他遭人嘲笑,现在却助他成名,和第一段为转折关系。
  3. A。他的这种跨文化的魅力把他送上了亚洲流行文化的颠峰。
  4. C。 表原因,那是因为他在很多韩剧中出现。
  5. A。在韩剧、喜剧电影和广告中出现。
  6. B。儿时的挫折有助于造就个性。
  7. D。在他成为模特之前。
  8. B。他对体育的热爱和他的身高使他获得篮球的奖学金。
  9. C。business communication 商务交流。
  10. A。过去害怕在人前讲话,因此决定选择communications作为专业(来锻炼自己)。
  11. C。参见10题解析。
  12. A。他的模特生涯。
  13. A。在韩剧中扮演角色,因此是在亚洲的明星。
  14. B。 但是语言障碍使得他只能扮演小角色。
  15. A。非常困难。无论你多么自信,多么坚强,语言会阻碍你前进。
  16. D。参见15题解析。
  17. C。全国的观众都在专心的观看,这使我很紧张。
  18. A。参见17题解析。
  19. B。小时候常和人打架,因此是troubled childhood.
  20. D。会影响他在观众心中的完美形象。
  1. C。尽管身残,但还是决心练习柔道。C和D语意都对,但though 是连词后面应接句子。
  2. B。从本文最后一句可得知。
  3. D。本句的 but 提示男孩练得好。
  4. A。男孩的教练三个月仅教他一招,他不解其因(why)。
  5. B。“难道我不应该多学几招吗?” mustn’t 表“千万别、禁止”;haven’t 意思和语法搭配都不对。
  6. C。 前一句“男孩虽然不太理解教练的话,但是他信任教练。”故继续保持训练kept training。
  7. A。孩子从师后的第一次参加比赛。
  8. D。由于仅学一招竟连胜两场,男孩感到很惊讶。wondering = wanting to know。
  9. C。 从空格后charged——冲锋,攻击可断定男孩的对手不是由于uncomfortable, injured, excited而是不耐烦造成纰漏而被罚。
  10. A。赢得比赛。Sb. wins the match or game。
  11. C。易错选D。more skillful表“更加有技巧或熟练”对手相斗所用招式不同,不具有可比性。
  12. B。根据前后两句:最后一个对手更强大、富有经验,故男孩呈现出败迹。
  13. A。concerning现在分词,表原因,“担心(他受伤)”。
  14. C。常识题。比赛中裁判由于担心一方受伤而叫停。而不会因为其中一方的情绪(A)、输赢(B)和是否疲劳(D)而叫停。
  15. A。固定搭配。be about to do ... when ...
  16. D。从“No”可判断,sensei 并不想让比赛停止,而是让男孩继续比下去,故选continue。
  17. B。从made a critical mistake可看出他的护具丢掉了,造成男孩有机可趁。
  18. A。在回家的途中,师徒两人共同回复、探讨比赛中的一招一式。
  19. C。由于对教练的敬畏,故需鼓起勇气向教练提问。
  20. B。从男孩得胜可看出,他基本掌握了这一招的精髓。
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