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目前,国内许多铸造生产部门正越来越多地使用呋喃树脂砂。我们走访了一些厂家和材料公司,就呋哺自硬树脂砂生产和造型材料供应等进行了学习和考察,供铸造界同行们参考。一、造型用原材料1.原砂为了减少树脂用量,对原砂的处理很重要,水洗砂含泥量低,各型砂厂已普遍供应。擦洗砂可基本消除原砂中的泥分和砂粒表面的覆盖物,大大提高冷硬树脂砂的强度,且排水无需特殊处理,故给树脂砂提供更好的原砂,已有型砂厂开始了擦洗砂的生产。见表1~3。由于擦洗砂还未大量投产,故我们所见厂中绝大部分铸铁用砂都是水洗砂。北方的厂多使用内蒙几个砂点的水洗砂, At present, many domestic foundry departments are using furan resin sand more and more. We visited a number of manufacturers and material companies to furrow self-hardening resin sand production and supply of modeling materials, etc. for study and study for the casting industry counterparts for reference. First, the modeling raw materials 1. Original sand In order to reduce the amount of resin, the treatment of the original sand is very important, washed sand with low volume, all types of sand plants have been widely available. Scrub the sand can basically eliminate the mud in the original sand and the surface of the sand covering, greatly improving the strength of chilled resin sand, and drainage without special treatment, it is to provide better sand resin sand, existing sand plant started Scrub sand production. See Table 1 ~ 3. As the scrub sand has not been put into mass production, so we see the factory most of the cast iron sand is washed sand. The northern factory use a few sand spots in Inner Mongolia sand washing,
我厂铸钢车间主要生产各电厂的备品备件,品件繁杂、规格不一。采用水玻璃石英砂造型,吹 CO_2气体干燥。水玻璃砂的主要缺点就是残留强度高、溃散性差,粘砂严重,特别是砂芯清
曼联的关注让伊戈尔·阿金费耶夫开始名声大噪?这是一种来源于陌生的误解,其实在2008年欧洲杯,以35次有效扑救成为那届杯赛中的扑救王,俄罗斯门将就已经是欧洲各大豪门觊觎的首选。不过质疑声依旧存在,因为他1.84米的身高,因为他未曾试水欧洲五大联赛,因为他那与年龄不符的成熟度……赌博总是有其双面性,不是赢就是输,不过如果你敢于下注。那就说明至少已有51%的成功可能性。    1986年4月8日,伊戈
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